
'Luigi's Mansion 3' stars a jelly doppelganger named Gooigi

This is the year of Gooigi.

Luigi's Mansion 3 hits Nintendo Switch in 2019, six years after the launch of the previous installment, Dark Moon. Luigi's Mansion 3 stars Luigi, rather than Mario, as he sneaks around a haunted hotel fighting ghosts and searching for his friends. Nintendo revealed a few extra details about the game during its E3 livestream, but didn't narrow down the release window any further.

The new game adds a handful of fresh abilities, including something called Gooigi, a skill that creates a jelly version of Luigi that can traverse otherwise unwalkable spots and generally help him out. Walk through water, though, and Gooigi dissolves.

Gooigi is also playable by a second person, turning the game into a co-op adventure. Haunted hotels are less scary with friends, after all. To that end, Luigi's Mansion 3 will also feature online co-op modes with multiple Luigis.