
'Returnal' players need to take a break before a bug eats their save files

The 1.3.3 update introduced a problem that is erasing hours of progress.


Today the first update for Returnal rolled out and Housemarque has already pulled the patch after players complained about losing their progress in the game. While the rogue-lite invites you to repeat runs over and over again, it tracks progress against many of the game's challenges, and according to reports, many players were losing either all of their progress, or just anything new they attempted since the patch.

According to Housemarque, "We are fixing the issue now and a new patch will be published in a few hours." If you see the CE-100028-1 error message, then you've been affected by the bug. If your system already downloaded the 1.3.3 update, then they advise not playing until the new patch rolls out, and said that anyone who downloaded it will need to reinstall the game. If your game file never updated, then you should be able to play without worry.