

  • From 25 to 10, a Lodur Story

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    I feel like it's been a pretty big debate since the inception of the concept, whether 25-man or 10-man raiding is the end all be all. Which is "real" raiding? Which is more difficult? Which offers you the most rewards? These questions have almost been a plague on raiding discussion since the option first became available. To be honest, I've never much cared for the debate. I'm the type of person that is a live and let live when it comes to personal preferences in video games. For me, I've always just been a raider. It has been a huge part of my enjoyment with the game, second only to the story and lore of Warcraft. I've also always been a large group raider from Classic World of Warcraft right up to Mists, but I did always run with a 10-man group right up until the point where 10 and 25 started to share a lockout, just so I could keep raiding and so I knew how to handle both situations. Recently, due to personal scheduling reasons, I've had to make some changes to my World of Warcraft playtime that has resulted in not only me re-joining the Horde, but also having shifted from 25-man raiding to full time 10-man healing on Lodur. This post is just my opinions and observations based on my own change from 25-man raiding to 10-man raiding. Your mileage may vary.

  • Patch 5.4 PTR: Raid testing for Thursday, August 29

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The flurry of heroic raid testing continues tomorrow, with more bosses scheduled for patch 5.4 PTR testing. Players looking to test their mettle against the 25-man heroic versions of the Immerseus, Iron Juggernaut and Siegecrafter Blackfuse encounters will have their chance to do so throughout the day tomorrow on the PTR servers. Remember -- if you've been testing flex or normal modes of these encounters, they may look a little different on heroic mode. Players that wish to test out this content should log on at the appropriate times listed for each boss encounter. Don't worry too much about the gear you bring in, it will be scaled to match the difficulty of the encounter -- but bring your best game, because heroic bosses are hardly a joke. And as always, be sure to leave feedback in the appropriate threads on the official PTR forums once you're done testing content. Read on for more details, including the full schedule of times for individual raid bosses.

  • Patch 5.4 PTR: Raid testing for Wednesday, August 28

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Heroic 25-man raid testing continues tomorrow on the patch 5.4 PTR servers. For players interested in testing heroic Siege of Orgrimmar content, both the Sha of Pride and Malkorok encounters will be available over the course of tomorrow for the purposes of testing. As with all PTR raid encounters, players should leave feedback on the encounters in the appropriate threads on the official PTR forums. If you have yet to explore the patch 5.4 PTR, you can copy a character by logging into your Battle.net account on the official website, or you can simply create a pre-made level 90 character if that sounds like a better option to you. Gear will be scaled to match the difficulty of the encounters, so don't worry about being under-geared for the content, either. Read on for more details, including the full schedule of times for individual raid bosses.

  • Lichborne: Emblem of Triumph Gear for Death Knights

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Welcome to Lichborne, your look into the issues of the moment for the death knight class. Ah, Emblems of Triumph, the new hotness. Even if you're not running the coliseum, you still have chance to grab them in the heroic daily, and by now, surely most of us have at least had the opportunity to save up enough to buy something. Deciding what to buy, however, is a whole different question. Let's take a look at the badge loot and see what's in it for a death knight.