

  • VC/WiiWare Tuesday: Muscle Marches On

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Under normal circumstances, by far the biggest news on the Japanese Wii Shop this week would be Final Fantasy. Square Enix actually delivered the game on time to Virtual Console, and didn't even take the opportunity to jack the price up. Even if it is ancient, 500 points for a classic RPG is a great deal!But circumstances aren't normal this week: Muscle March, the game of posing a line of Speedo'd bodybuilders to run through walls in order to catch the thief who stole their protein powder, is out. Also on WiiWare, though less muscle-related: Arkanoid Plus!, a WiiWare release similar to the Arkanoid game for XBLA, and NEVES Plus.Virtual Console: Final Fantasy (Famicom, 1 player, 500 Wii Points) Splatterhouse (Arcade, 1 player, 800 Wii Points) WiiWare: Arkanoid Plus! (1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Hamekomi Lucky Puzzle Wii (1-4 players, 500 Wii Points) 3℃ (1-2 players, 700 Wii Points) Muscle Koushinkyoku (Muscle March) (1-4 players, 800 Wii Points)

  • Three new regal, musical, puzzling WiiWare games announced for Japan

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Three different companies have announced new WiiWare games for Japan all at once, so we've decided to collect them all here. They're all completely different, but they get lumped together for us by virtue of the proximity of their announcements and release dates -- all are coming out in May or June.Poisoft's Order!! is another take on the RPG inversion found in My Life As a King, although this king simulation mixes a 16-bit RPG aesthetic with what looks like vintage Koei-style wargaming. 3℃ from Kemco and Cool&Warm is a basic color-matching puzzle game with multiplayer. And Fantasic Tambourine from Zoom is an incredibly cute rhythm game about a witch playing a tambourine.The last two appeared on Nintendo's list of upcoming releases from last October's media summit, and we're just now finding out about the games.