

  • Giroptic's 360-degree waterproof camera starts shipping

    Roberto Baldwin
    Roberto Baldwin

    With the tech world suddenly going nuts for 360-degree video, Giroptic may have picked the perfect time to start shipping its 360cam to backers and anyone who preordered the camera. The waterproof device will available to for everyone else to buy on May 24th for $500.

  • LG's wacky 'Friends' accessories might just annoy its enemies

    James Trew
    James Trew

    LG didn't just roll up with a new phone. It turned up with an entourage of devices in one of the most refreshing, if a little baffling, launches in MWC history. The devices all center around the G5, and include drones, rolling robots and high-fidelity audio accessories: quite the family. LG's calling these accessories "Friends," and while it's a little unexpected, the collection offers something compelling: a line of gadgets that not only plug into the LG G5, but also into pretty much every hot trend right now.