

  • lior2 via Getty Images

    USB4 devices are clear to roll out next year

    Marc DeAngelis
    Marc DeAngelis

    The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) announced today that the organization has finalized the technical specifications for USB4. These specs will be making their way to designers, engineers and manufacturers shortly, meaning we can expect the first USB4 products to hit shelves some time in 2020. The highlight of the new standard is its dual-lane 40Gbps speed, matching Thunderbolt 3's transfer rate and doubling that of USB 3.2's.

  • Swede used 40Gbps internet connection to dry laundry

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Chances are, you could think of a million and one ways to totally take advantage of having a 40Gbps internet connection installed in your abode, but for one Sigbritt Löthberg -- who actually had such a setup -- she chose to take advantage of it in quite a perplexing way. Reportedly, the 75-year old dame wasn't too interested in downloading an entire HD film in two seconds or having ping times more minuscule than the brain can fathom; rather, she chose to use the excess heat emitted from all the kit shoved in her house to "dry her laundry." Unfortunately, the poor lady has had the gear removed from her domicile for further testing in another location, but according to Hafsteinn Jonsson, who is heading up the fiber network operation for Karlstad Stadsnät, they're considering "giving her a 100Gbps [link] in the summer -- then she'll be able to dry all her neighbors' laundry too."[Image courtesy of TheRedWoodMotel]