

  • European Nintendo downloads: Eco Shooter, Legends of Exidia

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It's time to show those ... animated ... cans ... who's boss. Intelligent Systems's patently odd shooting game 530 Eco Shooter arrives on WiiWare this week, aiming to fill you with terror at the sight of any preserved vegetable. For those among you who shun can combat, Street Fighter Alpha 2 is also available, in a surprisingly competent SNES port. On DSiWare, Gameloft has released Legends of Exidia, which is reportedly a port of its mobile game Might and Magic II (not to be confused with the real Might and Magic II) with all the license stuff excised. That's pretty weird. 530 Eco Shooter (WiiWare, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points) Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Electroplankton: Luminarrow (DSiWare, 1 player, 200 DSi Points) Electroplankton: Sun-animalcule (DSiWare, 1 player, 200 DSi Points) Legends of Exidia (DSiWare, 1 player, 800 DSi Points)

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Super Smash Bros., Ninja Gaiden, Dragon's Lair

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Nintendo announced its 500th downloadable Wii game today, reserving the honor for Super Smash Bros. Or, we suppose, for any of the other Virtual Console or WiiWare games released today. But Nintendo says it's Super Smash Bros., and that certainly seems like a more special way to celebrate a milestone than, say, the arcade version of Ninja Gaiden. See all the WiiWare, Virtual Console, and DSiWare releases after the break.

  • Japanese Nintendo downloads: MSX games, Eco Shooter, and 16 more

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    There's an incredibly diverse selection of games on the Japanese Wii and DSi Shops today -- 12 different games on Wii, and 6 on DSi. Think of this as Nintendo's online version of the holiday rush. Most interesting among the multifarious offerings: a few forgotten Konami MSX games on VC, and 530 Eco Shooter on WiiWare. That's ... an Intelligent Systems-developed shooting game about shooting cans. The cans are alive and move around. It's weird. Also weird: Nintendo's Neratte Spot! for DSiWare, which is about throwing bombs into the mouths of fish. The whole list is after the break, because it's crazy long.