

  • Alfa Media's "world's smallest" miniSD reader: MNCR

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While the miniSD cards themselves certainly aren't the leanest of the SD bunch, Alfa Media has unveiled the self-proclaimed "world's smallest" reader for these minuscule cards. Coming in at a hair smaller than Apple's latest iPod shuffle, but not quite as petite as the nearly microscopic Oki Electric Industry MP3 chip, the 24 x 21.5 x 2.4-millimeter MNCR plugs directly into your computer's USB port, theoretically creating an incredibly tiny USB flash drive. The company claims its (presumably) easy-to-misplace reader will play nice with Windows and Mac-based operating systems and keep those transfer moving along at 26Mbps. Although we aren't yet sure of pricing and availability details, we'll go out on a limb and assume your 2GB miniSD card will demand a bit more coinage than this bantam liaison.[Via Red Ferret]