

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Amoebattle, Super Hang-On

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Two new Virtual Console games in as many weeks? What is going on? On top of the VC release of Super Hang-On, Amoebattle makes its way to DSiWare and Bird Mania 3D takes flight on the 3DS eShop.We rather liked the iPhone version of Amoebattle. Its real-time strategy controls should translate to the DS and 3DS just fine.

  • Portabliss: Amoebattle (iOS, DSiWare)

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Did you know that you can download handheld games now? That's amazingly convenient! The only inconvenient part of it is finding the right games to buy -- and that's where we come in, with our Portabliss column. In each installment, we'll tell you about a downloadable game on the iPhone, iPad, Android device, DSi, 3DS, PSP, etc. Today: Amoebattle. Traditionally, real-time strategy games have been the domain of the PC. Attempts have been made to move the genre to other platforms in the past, some more successful than others, but demanding complexity and mouse-centered control schemes have typically kept it from flourishing elsewhere. Enter Amoebattle, a real-time strategy game for iOS (with a DSiWare version on the way next month). Cute though it may be, the heart of real-time strategy definitely beats below its adorable exterior.

  • Amoebattle on App Store today, DSiWare version coming soon

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It's not often we hear about near-concurrent DSiWare/iPhone releases, so any such game automatically gets an element of novelty. Intrinsic Games, creator of DSiWare's Divergent Shift, is doing just that.Amoebattle is a simple RTS in which you control a group of amoebas in a microscopic campaign. Originally designed as a DS game, the iPhone version made it to market first -- it's available from the App Store today for $5. The DSiWare version has been approved by Nintendo and will be released soon, though there's no specific date yet.Intrinsic seems to be developing "iOS/DSiWare" into a full-on business model; a previous App Store release, Penguin Patrol, is due for release on DSiWare tomorrow. All are published by Grab Games, who recently acquired Intrinsic.