

  • University of Birmingham researchers develop antibacterial stainless steel, mysophobes clap from within their bubbles

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Answering the call of germphobes and their Stepford ladies-in-waiting everywhere, researchers at the University of Birmingham have devised a silver-infused technique of warding off unwanted bacteria. Eschewing the previously attempted, but short-lived coating method, these scientists have "developed a novel surface alloying technology" that infuses silver, nitrogen and carbon into a newly germ-resistant stainless steel surface. The team hopes this super durable steel will soon find its anti-bacterial way into hospitals and the surgical implements they employ -- not to mention your college cafeteria. Modern Lady Macbeth homemaker types can breathe a sigh of "Out, damn'd superbug spot" relief and get back to sealing up the furniture.