

  • Sony replaces 'Kevin Butler' ad agency with 'Axe Astronaut' firm

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Sony has announced that it has selected New York-based ad agency Bartle, Bogle, Hegarty as its new lead creative agency, after what sounds like a complicated (and crowded) selection process. For the past six years, Sony's lead agency has been Deutsch L.A., the team behind none other than Kevin Butler and the famous "Michael" ad. But after chatting with Deutsch and other cool-sounding firms like 180LA and Anomaly, Sony selected Bartle, Bogle, Hegarty New York to deliver its future message.BBH has an impressive portfolio of work, including the Axe Astronaut campaign you may have seen during the Super Bowl last week. Why did Sony switch horses after so long? Oh, we don't know – maybe they have a big new announcement in the works they want advertised just the right way.

  • Lynx augmented reality stunt drops scantly clad angels on terrestrial travelers (video)

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    It isn't exactly a spring chicken, nor is it particularly new to the advertising game -- Best Buy utilized the stuff back in 2009 to push electronics -- but a new ad campaign from manly body spray purveyor Lynx (Axe in the US) is making augmented reality nearly unavoidable. Created by BBH, a global ad agency, the video below shows travelers at London's Victoria train station staring up at a giant screen to find themselves greeted by a skimpily attired fallen angel. The stunt, launched on March 6, drew a lot of attention from passersby, and in more than one instance elicited some pretty, well, bold behavior. Up until now, augmented reality has mostly been a play thing of the geek set -- even previous advertisements enlisting such tactics required a decent amount of work from the audience -- but if these fallen angels are any sign, we could all be traversing a more unreal world very soon. [Thanks, Ben]