

  • Art Thompson, Red Bull Stratos' technical project director, talks circuit breakers, wind shear and biomedical data

    James Trew
    James Trew

    While Felix Baumgartner landed safely on the ground just a matter of hours ago, the internet is still resonating with the sound of tweets, status updates and YouTube clicks, all thanks to what was one of the most spectacular human endeavors in recent history. The mission was simple, to send a man up in a balloon higher than ever before, and have him safely jump to the ground. This kind of "simple" is usually anything but -- if you just look past the well-manicured exterior. Which, as luck would have it is exactly what we did. With the cheers of success still ringing in his ears, we got some quality time with Art Thompson, the technical project director, and Baumgartner's earliest collaborator on the Stratos mission. We wanted to know a little bit more about what went on behind the scenes, and Thompson was more than happy to oblige. They're understandably proud of what they just achieved.

  • Leap of faith: Felix Baumgartner's historic jump from the edge of space

    James Trew
    James Trew

    BASE jumping might just be about to enter the mainstream. What has typically been considered a fringe activity, reserved for thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies, could soon be firmly cemented in the public view. For the uninitiated, BASE jumping is like skydiving, without the plane. Participants throw themselves off bridges, antennae, buildings, cliffs, and well, whatever high object they can find. It's not illegal, "in theory", but as many of the chosen launch spots are public or private property -- or pose a risk to public safety -- gaining access to, or jumping from them, can mean stepping over the legal line. This otherwise obstreperous activity has largely kept to itself, occasionally popping up in magazines, or YouTube videos, but -- all going well -- on Monday that changes. Serial boundary pusher (of wing suit across the English Channel fame) Felix Baumgartner is set to leap, in the most literal sense of the word, from relative obscurity into the history books. How? By jumping to earth from the edge of space, likely breaking the sound barrier as he does so. How does one go from humble Austrian beginnings to a capsule 120,000 feet (about 23 miles) above the Earth's surface? Make a comparatively tiny leap past the break to find out.

  • Romanians in spandex base jump the Intel theme chimes

    Trent Wolbe
    Trent Wolbe

    Oh, nerds. If we weren't one of you, we wouldn't have the faintest idea why you do the things you do. But we are, so we do, even if you're from another country. In an attempt to best Finland's record for World's Largest Intel Chime (done with human cannonballs), five employees at the chipmaker's Romanian branch learned how to base jump from the top of their office onto huge airbags to "hoot" the ubiquitous tones. A charmingly-accented software validation engineer named Iulian project-managed the whole thing -- here's hoping he makes VP sooner rather than later. Slightly disturbing video of humans being dropped after the break.