

  • Warlords of Draenor: Build your own fel reaver

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    According to Brian Holinka, we'll be getting something that any old school AV players will remember for Ashran, the new PvP zone in Warlords - namely, the ability to create a mob that makes the other faction's day considerably worse. It just gets my Ivus senses tingling, you know? @millerwolf1990 We're planning on having something like this in Ashran. A giant mob that your faction can build to torment your enemies! - Holinka (@holinka) June 12, 2014 I realize that this may be the nostalgia talking (oh, what a potent drug that can be) but man, I hope it actually is a giant fel reaver. I have no idea how that would even be possible, but I still hope for it. Ashran is shaping up to be something we've not had in the game in a long time, a true free for all, and I'm very interested.