

  • Rock Band Weekly: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Black Crowes and Rush

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    You gotta pay for old rock! Prices go back to 160 MS points ($2) this week as the rock is aged a little more finely compared to the modern selection from last week. The exploration of the RBDLC (Rock Band downloadable content) void continues as there's still no road map of Rock Band's DLC for the future. This week's tracks give us a little '70s with Lynyrd Skynyrd (Leh-Nerd Skin-nerd) and early '80s with Rush. The most iffy selection for nit-picky music geeks is probably the Black Crowes' version of you-know-it-when-you-hear-it song Hard to Handle. Some people prefer the Grateful Dead version, and for those who like letting their soul out when they sing, there's also the Otis Redding version. Songs below will also be part of a DLC double-dose this Thursday on the PlayStation Network, which includes last week's songs not added due to the holiday.Individual songs Gimme Three Steps - Lynyrd Skynyrd (160 MS points/ $2) Hard to Handle - Black Crowes *Cover* (160 MS points/ $2) Limelight - Rush *Cover* (160 MS Points / $2)) Videos of the songs can be found after the break, we're going to keep trying to work on getting a Rock Band DLC road map for the future.