

    Amazon might start using robots to box your orders

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    A few weeks ago, Amazon said it will be at least 10 years before the company is running fully-automated warehouses. But partial automation is already underway. According to Reuters, Amazon is considering installing two machines at dozens of warehouses that have the potential to replace at least 24 jobs at each location. If Amazon were to roll the machines out across its 55 US fulfillment centers for standard-sized inventory, that could lead to more than 1,300 job cuts.

  • End texts with a period if you want to seem like a jerk

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    It appears as though those among us who use proper punctuation when texting look like big jerks. A new study out of Binghamton University says that text messages appended with a period come off as kind of rude. Computer Mediated Communication (email, texting, instant messages, etc..) lacks any sort of the context clues of face to face communications methods, so to see what the period meant in terms of CMC, the researchers had a small group of undergrads rate conversations that were framed either as handwritten notes or text messages.

  • CyanogenMod Compiler project allows Android tweakers to easily make custom blends

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Ever wish that building your own personal ROM was as simple as placing an order at Starbucks? Well, an intrepid coder known as lithid-cm has taken that vision one step closer with the CyanogenMod Compiler (CMC), a command line utility that allows armchair mixers to remove unwanted features and then compile their own special blend of CyanogenMod. While CMC's functionality is currently rather limited -- which allows users to eliminate languages, wallpapers and tweak themes -- the developer will introduce new installation / removal features and additional plug-in support in future releases. The software is early alpha stage, which means its creator needs the help of others to identify and resolve the rough edges. So, if you aren't afraid to get your hands a bit dirty, CMC seems quite worthwhile. Just don't blame us when you break something.

  • Comcast Media Center gets creative with compression

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Make no mistake about it, as the bandwidth belt tightens around cable, carriers are grasping for ways to cram more channels into an increasingly small space. Reportedly, Comcast Media Center has devised a method to stuff three HD signals into a single 6MHz carrier, which is typically just enough to handle two HD channels without picture quality taking a dive. Though the process sounds quite technical, the long and short of it is that a "second-pass MPEG-2 encoding system from startup Imagine Communications" is reportedly being used to "stack together three signals at variable bit rates into one 6MHz QAM channel." Of course, it's hard to say if this clever methodology results in noticeably poorer picture quality, but unless something drastic happens in the world of coax, you can count on seeing a whole lot more where this came from.

  • ARM, six others join forces on Linux Mobile Computing platform

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just after Symbian announced that its future operating systems would support ARM SMP multicore technology, ARM has teamed up with six others to collaborate on a Linux Mobile Computing platform. More specifically, the firm has joined with Marvell, MontaVista, Movial, Mozilla, Samsung and Texas Instruments in order to develop a "Linux-based open source platform for next-generation mobile applications." Reportedly, the platform will eventually be released into the open source community, and it hopes to move swiftly in getting the goods into "Connected Mobile Computing (CMC) devices." And if you're wondering when you can get your hands dirty with it, ARM is hoping to release a full platform early next year and have equipped devices on shelves by early 2009.[Via jkkmobile]