

  • BlizzCon Warcraft Movie panel liveblog

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The Warcraft Movie panel will begin at 2:15pm Pacific, and we'll be liveblogging it right here. We've heard that we may see some footage during the panel, and we're pretty excited to see what they've got. Duncan Jones and Chris Metzen will be talking about the film for an hour, and should have some amazing surprises in store. Updates will be in reverse-chronological order, with newest updates at the top of the page. If you only want the latest update, you can stay near the top. If you missed the beginning of the panel, scroll to the bottom.

  • Blizzard presents Behind the Scenes on Lords of War

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    If you were wondering how they came up with the idea to do the Lords of War series, Blizzard has a pretty awesome video for you to watch, up on IGN now. This behind the scenes look into the development process of the Lords of War series is interesting for what you find out you didn't get as much as for what you did. I also loved finding out that Maraad is voiced by Crispin Freeman, aka Red Arrow from Young Justice. It's very cool to get to see him explaining what he's up to in the story, and in general I liked getting to see what went into the making of this video series. You should definitely check it out. It's up on IGN right now.

  • Blizzard officially cancels Titan

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If you were holding onto hopes that Titan would be the next great thing from Blizzard, it's time to douse yourself with a cold bucket of reality. Polygon is reporting that Blizzard has officially canceled the Titan project, saying that it ultimately wasn't fun. "We had created World of Warcraft, and we felt really confident that we knew how to make MMOs, so we set out to make the most ambitious thing that you could possibly imagine," CEO Mike Morhaime commented. "And it didn't come together. We didn't find the fun. We didn't find the passion. We talked about how we put it through a reevaluation period, and actually, what we reevaluated is whether that's the game we really wanted to be making. The answer is no." Senior Vice President Chris Metzen said that the decision was necessary as the studio goes forward: "We were losing perspective and getting lost in the weeds a little. We had to allow ourselves to take that step back and reassess why the hell we were doing that thing in the first place." The studio didn't put out details on what Titan was going to be, except that it had "some cool hooks." Blizzard also said that it isn't going to be working on another MMO at this time, but won't rule out the possibility of a follow-up to World of Warcraft in the future. If you want to tease yourself with "what if," you can read Massively's summation of the Titan project.

  • World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor releasing November 13th

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor will be coming to players this November 13th. "The age of the whimsical panda is over!" Chris Metzen proclaimed to a crowd of cheering fans at the Ace Theatre in Los Angeles. During the street date announcement, Blizzard talked about the lore of the expansion and showed the first episode of a new five-part animated lore mini-series called Lords of War. The studio also showed the opening cinematic for Warlords of Draenor, after which the release date was mentioned for the first time. We've got the first episode of Lords of War, the animated series teaser, and the cinematic for you after the break!

  • San Diego Comic-Con 2014 programming schedule released

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    San Diego Comic-Con International has begun to release its program of events for this year's convention. Blizzard Entertainment will once again have a presence at the convention as well as a panel with Chris Metzen himself. The panel, titled Blizzard Entertainment Showcase, takes place Thursday, July 24 from 2:15-3:15pm in Room 6BCF. Attendees looking for expansion information should take note that this is a panel about Blizzard merchandise and licensed products. While it may include some new information on upcoming projects, there likely won't be a lot of talking about game development -- but the panel does include a Q&A. However, attendees looking for other Blizzard information would do well to hit up Hall H on Saturday, July 26. Legendary Pictures will be presenting a panel featuring their upcoming slate of films in Hall H from 12:25-1:10pm. Last year, Director Duncan Jones made a brief appearance at the convention to show off what he called a "mood piece" for the upcoming Warcraft film. Filming for Warcraft officially wrapped in May of this year, which means that attendees at the panel may very well see more than just a brief glimpse of Warcraft. Fans looking for Blizzard on the main convention floor can head to booth 115 for Blizzard Entertainment. At the moment, there still isn't an official schedule for any signings that might take place at Comic-Con. Given last year's list of notable names, we should see an official announcement regarding potential signings and other pertinent Comic-Con info soon.

  • The best mistake ever

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Mistakes happen, of course. One of the biggest to ever happen in the history of World of Warcraft led to the creation of the draenei as we know them today, and I think it's safe to say that the game and the lore of the Warcraft setting is the better for it. Going into Warlords of Draenor it's worth looking back at that moment. What mistake am I talking about? I'm talking about the time Chris Metzen forgot the work of a major lore writer on Warcraft III and changed things. What writer did Chris forget about? None other than the Senior Vice President of creative development himself, Chris Metzen. The obvious lore contradiction with Sargeras and his encounter with the eredar was clearly documented in the Warcraft III manual. I wrote those bits about four years ago, and to be totally honest, I simply forgot. -- Chris Metzen, Metzen on Lore What happened is fairly simple. In Warcraft III, we're told that the eredar were a race of sorcerers and warlocks whose corrupt magics date back to the dawn of time, devourers and corrupters who ran afoul of Sargeras before the titan went mad. In fact, in the original story, it was his encounter with the eredar that started Sargeras down the road that would lead him to go mad. At this time, no mention was made of the eredar being in any way related to the draenei, nor were the draenei depicted as anything beyond the deformed model used by Akama. Even when World of Warcraft debuted, the few draenei in game were known as lost ones, such as Magtoor or Kum'isha the Collector, and they were nothing like the draenei we have today. And then the mistake happened. Mr. Metzen, in preparation for The Burning Crusade, came up with a way to link the draenei of Outland to the eredar and in so doing, completely contradicted what he himself had written in the Warcraft III manual. And in so doing, he made the game as a whole much stronger.

  • AusGamer interviews Chris Metzen

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Interviews provide an often-fascinating insight into the behind-the-scenes workings of some of our favorite hobbies--like World of Warcraft. Recently the Australian gaming site AusGamer posted a transcript of their interview with Blizzard's Senior Vice President of Story and Franchise Development, Chris Metzen. They chat about everything from Metzen's long history at Blizzard Entertainment, to the evolution of his current position in the company, to the realities of trying to juggle multiple franchises, story formats, and ideas among Blizzard's many intellectual properties. There's also a discussion about the role of fans in Blizzard's story development and how the push-and-pull of ideas and fan reaction shapes the direction that development may take. If you're interested in how the creative process at Blizzard works, and to hear about the differences between large-scale and small-scale story development at Blizzard, this is an interview you don't want to miss. They even discuss how Blizzard's new developments -- like Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm -- can potentially help feed into the franchise of World of Warcraft, with their use of iconic WoW characters and personalities. Check it out at AusGamers, it's a great view into the thought process of one of Blizzard's most iconic developers.

  • BlizzCon 2013: World of Warcraft Adventure Continues Q&A

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The World of Warcraft: The Adventure Continues panel during Friday's action-packed BlizzCon featured Lead Narrative Designer Dave Kosak giving a short presentation on the story behind the new expansion, Warlords of Draenor. Along with the history lesson, which was summed up by Matthew Rossi, the panel also featured a brief Q&A session that wasn't advertised in the program, but proved to be a pretty good list of questions and answers about the new expansion and what we can expect to see. Along with some clarifications on whether or not this is a time travel expansion (it isn't), there are also a few new lore reveals regarding the next expansion, and some tasty tidbits of odds and ends that have yet to be addressed. Read on for the full list of questions -- some of the answers may surprise you.

  • BlizzCon 2013 Impressions: CCed in the BlizzCon experience

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The woman who approached our lunch table seemed friendly but slightly uncomfortable. "Excuse me, but do you work for Blizzard?" she asked with a tentative smile. Her brother, she went on to explain, had once known somebody who supposedly went on to the work there, but she didn't know the first thing about the game and had no idea if that was true or what he did there. We exchanged a quick glance -– incoming story about someone who once tested a Blizzard game, am I right? -– and continued to munch on our salads while nodding and making polite noises. "So what's your friend's name?" inquired the ever-personable Michael Gray. "Chris Metzen," she replied almost apologetically. "Is he ... somebody?" Our friendly local storyteller (who preferred to remain anonymous –- but my report here on the BlizzCon experience wouldn't be complete if I didn't share her story with you) went on to share a tale of growing up across the street from the Metzen family here in Southern California, where her brother played T-ball with the pint-sized future rock star of Blizzard. The thing she remembered most about "little Chris," as she called him, was the game in which he executed his task as catcher so enthusiastically that he found himself caught in the netting behind the plate -– CCed so completely, in fact, that the team's parents had to come cut him out with scissors. Everybody all together now: Awwww ... (/grin) All these years later, we find ourselves happily CCed in the net cast by Little Chris himself, the World of Warcraft of his imagination. And back at BlizzCon, our lunchtime encounter with a friendly SoCal native encapsulates the spirit of the BlizzCon weekend -- people brought together by Blizzard's games. You won't find any reveals about the expansion in this BlizzCon roundup, but if you're interested in some of the faces and places seen around the convention all weekend, read on!

  • Furor returns to World of Warcraft

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Alex Afrasiabi, AKA Furor, has returned to work on World of Warcraft. Alex began his career as the guild leader of a famous Everquest guild (Fires of Heaven) and then came to work at Blizzard, eventually becoming Lead World Designer for WoW. He left WoW and was rumored to be working on the Titan project. But now, according to the BlizzCon schedule, he is the Creative Director for what we assume is the next expansion. He will be on World of Warcraft: The Adventure Continues panel. Also appearing on the panel is Game Director Tom Chilton and Dave Kosak, who was formerly the Lead Quest Designer and is now listed as the Lead Narrative Designer. As this panel will be discussing the direction of the story, Chris Metzen will of course be there as Senior Vice President of Story and Franchise Development. The panel will be at 2:30 p.m. PST on the A Panel Stage. So if you are interested in the story and/or the return of Furor, the Adventure Continues panel is for you. If you're not attending BlizzCon and don't have the Virtual Ticket, WoW Insider will definitely be covering this panel.

  • Micky Neilson, Doug Gregory discuss The Burdens of Shaohao

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The Burdens of Shaohao, a six-part series released earlier this month, was met with resounding praise across the board from players and devoted lore fans alike. The sweeping tale of the last Emperor of Pandaria was unlike anything we'd ever seen before from Blizzard -- a stunning, gorgeous piece of animated, narrative storytelling featuring artwork by Laurel Austin. While we've seen narrative tales in the form of cinematic-style storytelling, this is the first time we've seen anything of this nature. We sat down with Lead Story Developer Micky Neilson and the director of Shaohao, Doug Gregory to discuss the piece and how exactly it all came to be. While we were originally supposed to have lead editor Lucas Merino on board as well, he was unable to attend the interview as he and his wife received a special gift shortly after the release of Shaohao -- a healthy baby boy! Despite Lucas' absence, we had a delightful time discussing the film, its development, and the possibility of future projects in the unique style of Shaohao.

  • San Diego Comic Con 2013 Blizzard Licensing Panel now online

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Wondering what was talked about at the SDCC 2013 Blizzard Licensing panel? The fine folks over at Blizzplanet have released a video recording of the entire panel from start to finish. Included in the discussion are new toys, statues, and upcoming books -- including the children's book Snowfight, written by Chris Metzen with illustrations by Wei Wang, that we mentioned last week. The panel also included a fairly lengthy Q&A session that covered both licensed products and game questions as well. Q&A topics ranged from the future of beloved raid instances like Karazhan to the balance between including major events both in novels and in the game itself, as well as balance between PvP and PvE, among many other topics. There are also some funny moments like the video above, in which Chris Metzen deftly avoids spoiling the debut of the Warcraft movie teaser that was shown later on in another panel at the convention. Be sure to check out Blizzplanet's post for the full set of panel videos.

  • World of Warcraft children's book announced at SDCC

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Polygon is reporting an interesting bit of news from the San Diego Comic Con publishing panel -- apparently Blizzard has decided to try its hand at children's books. The first book, Snowfight, was written by Chris Metzen himself, and the book also includes some incredibly charming illustrations by Blizzard artist Wei Wang. From the image above, it looks like a story involving both Thrall and Varian Wrynn -- an unlikely tale, but hey, children's literature should be lighthearted and fun, right? This is, of course, a huge step for the publishing team -- most Warcraft novels and manga have been placed firmly in the young adult to adult category, with nothing for the little kids. But considering how many Warcraft fans are now moms and dads themselves, this is actually a really sweet way to introduce your little ones to the games you love. And it might just be interesting enough to keep their fingers off your action figures, too! Look for pre-sales for Snowfight later this year -- the book should be making its debut at BlizzCon. For more information, check out the full article on Polygon.

  • Chris Metzen talks about The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Over the last few years the question of art and video games has gone in and out of hot-button topic territory. Whatever someone's opinion of the status of games as art, though, it's impossible to ignore the vast amount of art that goes into them, and the cultural consciousness surrounding art and gaming is growing all the time. Earlier this year Blizzard published The Art of Blizzard Entertainment, a volume spanning over 20 years of concept art and development, complete with commentary by Nick Carpenter, Sam Didier, and Chris Metzen. Along with the book was an exhibit of the same name at the Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra, California, which ran from January 12th to February 3rd, 2013. This is an old video by from the opening night of the exhibit back in January, but it's the first it has come to our attention at WoW Insider, and it's worth watching if you haven't already. Metzen talks about the origins and inspiration for Blizzard's art, Blizzard's feelings toward fan art, and some of his thoughts on the perception of art and games in general. Check out parts one and two on GamerHub's youtube channel.

  • Diablo III playable offline on PS3 and PS4

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Thanks to last week's announcement, players already knew that Diablo III was headed for both the PlayStation 3 and 4 consoles. Now, Blizzard Production Director John Hight and Senior VP Chris Metzen have revealed that the game will not need an internet connection for local multiplayer games on either console. In the video interview with GameTrailers, Hight also talked about new features, including a new evasion ability and having all four players in co-op mode on the same screen instead of spit onto four separate ones. Players eager to test the game out on the consoles can look forward to a hands-on experience at PAX. In the meantime, you can watch the full interview after the cut.

  • Diablo 3 on PS3 and PS4 will allow offline play

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Diablo 3 will not require a constant internet connection for local multiplayer on the PS3 or PS4, Blizzard production director John Hight has confirmed. "You can have four people on the same screen - no split-screen, we just zoom the camera out. Or if you're offline," he tells Geoff Keighley on GameTrailers.It's around the two-minute mark where Hight goes into the changes to Diablo 3 for PS3 and PS4 in the episode above – specifically, the talk about the camera and local multiplayer. Hight reveals there's also a new evasion ability to help players quickly escape large encounters.Diablo 3 launched on the PC and Mac OSX with a required connection to Blizzard's service, even when playing single-player. Blizzard previously revealed the PS3/PS4 versions will have a different UI and feature all major PC updates.%Gallery-179451%

  • Diablo 3 coming to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    "One couch to rule them all!" -Chris Metzen at the PlayStation 4 announcement Chris Metzen, Senior VP of Story and Franchise Development at Blizzard, went on the stage at the Sony presser and announced Diablo III is coming to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. It will have not only the single player campaign, but also 4-player coop mode. Blizzard originally started out very strong in the console market, but in modern times hasn't been active. They have, however, constantly been hiring console developers, so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that they finally have something to reveal. But the fact that Diablo 3 is coming to the PlayStation 4 in the grand fashion that it was revealed today says a lot about their commitment to the game. Metzen makes it known what their intention is: "Blizzard and Sony have entered into a strategic partnership, through which we will take over the world." Metzen went on to say that more information will be forthcoming, and to look specifically at PAX East. The PlayStation 4 will be coming out during 2013's holiday season. For more information on the PlayStation 4 reveal, checkout Joystiq's liveblog.

  • Touring the Art of Blizzard at Gallery Nucleus

    Jasmine Hruschak
    Jasmine Hruschak

    Earlier this month, Blizzard celebrated the release of its newly published book The Art of Blizzard by opening the doors to a new art exhibition in Alhambra, California. The exhibit, hosted by the local Gallery Nucleus, kicked off with a well-attended Saturday night reception that drew in visitors more accustomed to Fel Reavers than fine art. Attendees covered the full range of demographics, wearing anything from Horde hoodies to shiny stilettos (since people in costume were let in for free, it's important to note that we're referring to the shoes, not the daggers). Massively and our sister site WoW Insider were on hand to take in the spectacle. So what did we see?%Gallery-176765%

  • Art of Blizzard Entertainment gallery opening snapshot tour

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    On Saturday, Jan. 12, I was fortunate enough to attend a party Blizzard threw for its book, The Art of Blizzard Entertainment, and the gallery showcasing it. While the book will not be released until Feb. 12, attendees were able to purchase it and have it signed by many Blizzard artists, including Chris Metzen (senior vice president of story and franchise development) and Nick Carpenter (vice president of art and cinematic development). Gallery Nucleus, located in Alhambra, CA, hosted the party and will be showing the gallery of prints -- all from the book -- until Feb 3. The party included live demonstrations of artists, a raffle, a scavenger hunt, as well as the signings of the books and a selection of prints that could also be purchased. Libations were provided in the forms of a health potion (nonalcoholic fruit punch), a mana potion (vodka and some tasty blue stuff), as well as some beer and other drinks. Darkmoon Donuts -- small and chocolate covered -- were the food items available.

  • The Art of Blizzard Entertainment exhibition to open on January 12

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The Art of Blizzard Entertainment, a massive 376 page collection of artwork from Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo, will be available for purchase later this month. But if you're in the Los Angeles area and you're wanting a sneak peek at what the book has to offer, you may want to clear your calendar at some point in the coming weeks. Gallery Nucleus, located in Alhambra California, will be hosting a special collection of over 50 pieces of artwork from your favorite Blizzard games, including an extensive collection of concept art. The exhibition will be at Gallery Nucleus from January 12 through February 3, 2012. However, there will be an opening reception from 7-11pm on January 12. Guests attending will have plenty of games and activities to keep them occupied, as well as an opportunity to get exclusive posters and other commemorative items. There is a $5 entrance fee at the door for the reception, however those that show up in costume will get in for free. In addition to the artwork and events, several of the Blizzard Entertainment artists featured in the book will be in attendance giving painting demos, signing books, and simply hanging out with attendees. For more information on what sounds like an incredibly fun time, you can check out Gallery Nucleus' official website.