

  • Dream Games: Chrono Cross

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Dream Games is a new weekly column where we explore a game we'd love to see on the PSP. Feel free to check in, and comment, every week.Chrono CrossYou may remember a little game called Chrono Trigger. It's considered one of the best games ever created, and the sequel is almost equally superb.Why PSP?Square loves remaking games. And the PSP is home to a good number of them: Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Tactics. Surely, a Chrono Cross remake will be heading our way.Is it possible?Yes. I'd like to think it's quite likely. But, will Square put the effort to make a Rondo of Blood-like remake? Imagine: a fully graphically revamped Chrono Cross with Chrono Trigger added as a bonus. It would be the most value-packed UMD ever created. Hmm ... doesn't sound like Square's into that "value" thing. Regardless, both Chrono games are good enough to warrant a revisiting.

  • Microsoft buys Chrono series, news retracted [update 1]

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Our RSS feed is a long reaching fish net across the sea of the interweb. It catches more or less everything regarding Xbox 360. This includes news stories that get immediately pulled from their site of origin. Xboxic had a story that hit our feed along with others, that reported on Microsoft buying the Chrono series, with Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger prime candidates for XBLA. Even the thought of a new gen Chrono title was bounced around. Then, in a puff of smoke, it disappeared. News items preceding and following are intact, though. Obviously something fishy is going on, and usually Microsoft doesn't care when one posts the wrong information. What they do care about is when the right information is posted at the wrong time. Feel free to speculate and tell us how you'd feel about seeing the Chrono series on you 360.Update: Regular reader dpcough points out that the story was a fake and that was the reason it was taken down. Mystery solved, and thankfully no memory wipes are required of our fanboys.

  • Our most wanted PSone games

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    We have faith that one day, the PlayStation Store will be accessible via PSP without the need for a PS3, and will flourish into a glorious realm of classic games, one that will be untouched by the competition. Of course, homebrew users will rip their own games ... but for the rest of us, this is my personal wishlist of PSone games that I'd like to see available for download.

  • Random encounters with Final Fantasy parody videos

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    Western Square fans have been waiting a long time for the next canonical (read: Roman-numeral-bearing, non-MMO, non-X-2) Final Fantasy release--five years if we're not mistaken--and they've apparently taken to creating live-action videos of the game to make the wait easier.

  • Sonic and Chrono composers to join PLAY! in Chicago

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    It appears that PLAY! A Video Game Symphony will be hosting yet another guest from Japan as well as another musical exclusive. Yasunori Mitsuda, main composer on Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and a number of other epic Japanese RPGs, will be attending the opening PLAY! concert in Chicago on May 27th. An "exclusive suite" of his music from the two Chrono games will be featured in every PLAY! concert worldwide. Mitsuda will join his compatriot Yuzo Koshiro, whose "special suite" of arranged music from the Sonic the Hedgehog series "will be heard live for the first time at the world-premiere." They will engage in a meet and greet with fans--who fork over the $125 needed for VIP tickets--along with Jeremy Soule (The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind), Marty O'Donnell (Halo), and Jason Hayes (World of Warcraft). [Via 1UP]