

  • Warlords of Draenor: Forget looting the hounds, we can ride them

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The latest beta build of Warlords brought with it several new Battle Pets as well as the mount pictured above. Yes, that is a Core Hound, and yes, you will be able to ride it by obtaining the Core Hound Chain. Although it's not directly stated where this mount will be obtained on the mount tab, it's safe to say we'll likely see it dropping in the newly-revamped Upper Blackrock Spire. After all, what's Blackrock Spire without The Beast? In addition to the Core Hound mount, several Ravager Wasp battle pets were added, along with a Runtish Gronnling, and a pet named Sky-bo that appears to be a miniature version of the Sky Golem mount. At the moment, there's no indication whether Sky-bo is an engineer crafted pet. To check out 3D models of the new Core Hound mount, as well as other new items added to the beta, head over to Wowhead.

  • Breakfast Topic: What made you decide to get an authenticator?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Once again, Blizzard is encouraging its players to use authenticators to protect their accounts. In addition to the incentive of a lovable Core Hound Pup pet provided to all World of Warcraft characters on an account that has an authenticator attached, there is now a contest going on to win an iPad for your best Core Hound Pup screenshot, and we've even received reports that free authenticators are being offered to owners of accounts that have previously been compromised. Still, incentives alone aren't enough for some players. Sometimes it takes an incident to drive the point home. For me, it was a hacking scare involving my girlfriend's account. We had just resubbed to WoW in preparation for Cataclysm and were having a blast when she got a notification from Blizzard that her account had been locked due to an unauthorized break-in. Nothing was gone, no items destroyed, no gibberish-named level 1s created, but she did have to change her password and verify to Blizzard that she was still herself. She was playing on a Mac, used Adblock and had disabled Flash on her browser, and she only visited a handful of websites on a daily basis, all very innocuous places like Gmail and WoW Insider. We figured it was an isolated incident, but just to make sure, she wiped her hard drive and reinstalled WoW. Then, a week later, it happened again. I couldn't believe it, and I still don't know how or why she was targeted, but I ordered our authenticators the very next day. We haven't had a problem since. What convinced you to get an authenticator? Was it a contest, a promotion by Blizzard, or a hacking scare? If you don't have an authenticator yet, what's holding you back?

  • Win an iPad during Blizzard's Core Hound Pup Adoption Campaign

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Blizzard is kicking off a year-long Core Hound Pup adoption campaign and is giving away iPads for the best user-submitted epic screenshots of the Core Hound Pup in action. Two iPads will be given away each month to two lucky screenshot submitters. Follow the link over to the contest rules page, and submit your pictures for a chance at an iPad each month in 2011. The Core Hound Pup is gained by adding an authenticator to protect your account. Every one of your World of Warcraft characters has access to this companion pet. I think this is a great idea to spread the word about authenticators and account security. Authenticators are the best first line of defense you've got to keeping your account safe, along with safe browsing habits. So do yourself and your players a favor and spread the word about Core Hound Pups and authenticators, and maybe even win an iPad out of the deal. Contest rules are available here. If your account is protected by a Authenticator or the Mobile Authenticator, then you already know how safe and secure your Core Hound Pup pet can make you feel. But there are plenty of players out there who can still benefit from the companionship and peace of mind that our infernal puppy provides. We're kicking off a Core Hound Pup adoption campaign and we need your help! Simply send us funny, cute, or just plain epic screenshots featuring your fiery two-headed buddy. We'll be picking two of the most memorable images each month in 2011 and awarding the winners with a brand new iPad. If you have yet to adopt a Core Hound Pup of your very own, then don't wait a moment longer, or we just might have to give you the big puppy-dog eyes. Visit our account security site to learn how to get a Authenticator or download the Mobile Authenticator, available through our mobile apps page or as a free download from the Apple App Store or the Android Market. Adopt a puppy! Protect your loots! Win an iPad! Read the contest rules for details and eligibility requirements, and happy screenshotting! source World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has destroyed Azeroth as we know it; nothing is the same! In WoW Insider's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion, from leveling up a new goblin or worgen to breaking news and strategies on endgame play.

  • BigRedKitty: Core Hound

    Daniel Howell
    Daniel Howell

    Daniel Howell contributes BigRedKitty, a column with strategies, tips and tricks for and about the Hunter class, sprinkled with a healthy dose of completely improper, sometimes libelous, personal commentary.Basically... hunters have just been dubbed the Most Loved Class in WoW. If the ultimate goal in this game is to have fun, then hunters own the place and the rest of you lesser-classes just live here.