

  • Which system has the best Puzzle Quest?

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Michael Fahey from Kotaku has lost his mind. In a consumerist rage, he went out and bought both the DS and PSP versions of Puzzle Quest. Luckily, his insanity proves to have a use, since he's able to compare the two versions. Which system came out of the bloody cage match a winner? Lucky for PSP owners, Puzzle Quest is best on Sony's portable. Better graphics, better sound and better AI make the PSP version the clear choice to buy if you have both systems. On the downside, they mention that the PSP Puzzle Quest has load times, but anyone who plays PSP (or any disc based system) should be used to that by now. [Thanks Colin]

  • Which Cube would you rather have?

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    While searching the webbed world for info on the D3's PSP puzzler Cube I came across another game called Cube. Now this other Cube may not be available on PSP yet, but perhaps the fact that there's D3's Cube coming to PSP might keep this more advanced Cube with it's blazingly advanced graphics off the system. Not to mention the fact that I doubt the copyright police would allow there to be two games named Cube on the PSP. So I say to you reader; if both games lived in a world of Highlander where there could be only one, which Cube would you like to see on PSP? D3's Cube or Monotech Power Game Unit's Cube?Video evidence after the jump ...