

  • Georgeson on the state of Landmark's alpha

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    How's the Landmark alpha going? Pretty well, according to SOE producer Dave Georgeson. Earlier this evening Georgeson posted a lengthy state-of-the-alpha update on the game's forums (you'll need to be logged in with your SOE account to view the link). In it, he says that developers are currently working on server stability, logout position issues, and template fixes. He also mentions art team deliverables like new biomes, character customizations, and props. Finally, Georgeson announced on Twitter that Landmark will only support 64-bit operating systems going forward. He explains why in the aforementioned forum post. "To prevent our voxel database from crashing under load, we are converting it to 64-bit processes. That will make our DB very stable, and we can then ensure that any other issues no longer have this variable in the discussion so we can narrow down any other 'voxel loss' issues quickly," he said.

  • SOE outlines upcoming content plan for EverQuest II

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Dave Georgeson, who must be the busiest man on Earth right now, has penned a director's letter for fans of EverQuest II explaining how Sony Online Entertainment plans to change the way in which it delivers new content to the nine-year-old game. According to Georgeson, the fan response to SOE's current method of content delivery (three big updates, one expansion, and a bunch of smaller stuff in between) was a resounding "meh," so the studio is looking to shake things up. Future content for EverQuest II will now work like this: Feature refinements, short adventures, holiday events, and other small content will launch every week. Every month, a bigger addition will be made, such as an overhaul an existing dungeon, the addition of a series of quests, or the creation of a new world event. All other resources will be invested into developing full expansions for the game, which are still slotted for annual releases. Georgeson promises that SOE is locked into the new schedule, saying, "Yes, we mean it. We're going to work hard to make it happen regularly and dependably."

  • EQ Next Landmark devs randomly Tweeting free Founder's Pack codes

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If you are still wanting to get in on the alpha or beta of EverQuest Next Landmark but you haven't procured a Founder's Pack, you might want to follow the devs on Twitter. What started with Franchise Director Dave Georgeson tossing out a free code in a Tweet on Monday has snowballed into multiple devs offering packs via hidden pictures and multi-tweet puzzles. And the fun continues today! If you want to get in on the action, you'll need to follow: @DaveGeorgeson, @terryjmichaels, @omeeddariani, @Rosierap, @mhigby, and @PurrfectStorm. But we warn you, you'll have to be quick to nab these; the codes have been redeemed within seconds!

  • EQ, EQII, and EQN devs dish on new game content for The Year of EverQuest

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    With EverQuest Next Landmark on the horizon, EverQuest Next in the wings, and EverQuest and EverQuest II going strong, this truly is the year of EverQuest. There's simply no denying that 2014 will be pretty significant for the franchise; one game turns 15, another turns 10, and the newest turns 0. To help kick of this monumental year, I got to talk shop with producers Thom Terrazas (EQ), Holly Longdale (EQII), Terry Michaels (EQN/EQNL), and Franchise Director Dave Georgeson and hear about upcoming content slated for each of these different projects. As Georgeson put it, "It's going to be a fun month!" As a bonus, we've also added a video that shows off some of that very content.

  • Yes, EQII does have PvP and yes, SOE is working on it

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Did you know that EverQuest II has PvP? It does! SOE is even working on improvements for it as we speak! This startling revelation comes to us from the EQII forums -- via EQ2Wire -- where someone posted a private email correspondence between franchise director Dave Georgeson and a player named Pawder. Georgeson starts off by laying a little bit of his PvP cred on the table. He helped develop the original PlanetSide, see, as well as Tribes 2 and some of the MechWarrior games. He goes on to say that EQII PvP procs are being removed, and he also says that the game's PvP battleground matchmaker will see improvements "later this year." Finally, Georgeson mentions that the Nagafen PvP server has suffered a population drain since the advent of battlegrounds -- basically, players want their PvP immediately rather than having to hunt through zones to find it. "The fact of the matter is EQII still has a very strong PvP userbase," Georgeson explains. "They're just not always on Nagafen anymore. They tended to drift to other servers and they play BGs most of the time now when they desire PvP. But more quality PvP improvements are coming in the near future, some as early as next week."

  • Norrathian Notebook: EverQuest Next Round Table roundup, round three

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Quick on the heels of our second Round Table roundup for EverQuest Next and EQN Landmark comes the third, filled with the next bushel of questions! In these (lucky) seven queries, devs asked players to give their opinions on starter zones, modding the UI, length of the day and night cycle, grouping, preferred Landmark building styles, and the role of NPC merchants. And of course, devs also offered their personal opinions on these topics. Did you participate in all the polls the first time through? If not, we've got them all right here for you. Go ahead and join in the discussions; it is never too late to voice your opinions! You never know when your comment might be the one that turns the tide of thinking or offers a new solution no one had considered before.

  • The Tattered Notebook: EverQuest Next roundtable roundup, take two

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Back in September, The Tattered Notebook gathered together the first 10 roundtable questions that EverQuest Next and EQN Landmark devs posed to fans, with their accompanying community thoughts, developer opinions, and video clip answers. However, that was only the tip of the iceberg. The Round Table discussions were not just an introductory fad; they are a permanent part of the development process. As such, new polls are put up every week for fans to vote on and to post their own feedback and thoughts about on the forum. So now that a couple of months have passed, it's time to round up the next wave of questions in one central location, focusing this time on the six questions with dev responses. Maybe there is a query or two that you missed as the weeks rolled by, or maybe you just want to see what direction the community is leaning. Got some strong opinions about death penalties or fast travel in EverQuest Next? What about in-game holidays? This is definitely the time to share them!

  • SOE publishes new EQN Landmark producer's letter

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    SOE has released an EverQuest Next producer's letter for the month of November. Well, it's actually more of a video than a letter, but you get the idea. Your host is director of development Dave Georgeson, and he spends the clip's three-minute running time discussing Landmark and the recently concluded press tour. Georgeson says the tour was the first time that people outside of the dev team had a chance to lay hands on the product, and the result was plenty of useful feedback. Georgeson also teases some new lore that's on the way, but I won't spoil it for you here. Click past the cut to watch the clip!

  • Hands-on with EQ Next Landmark: Building my castle of dreams

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If they can build it, they will come. When presented with the opportunity to get my hands on EverQuest Next Landmark and build something for myself, I leaped at the chance. Who hasn't been sitting back, eagerly awaiting the moment he could dive into the wilds of Landmark and let his creativity run rampant? As one half of the Some Assembly Required team, I knew it would be no great sacrifice to try out this upcoming beacon of player-generated-content. And man, was it worth it! I met with EverQuest Franchise Director Dave Georgeson to talk shop and check out Landmark's tools in my own personal hands-on pre-alpha experience. Instead of just gazing longingly at a screen while watching a demonstration, I got to test drive all the various building tools as I obsessively constructed my own amethyst castle. The only real problem I ran into was that my time ended all too soon, and now I must wait until February for the alpha to play again. So is it better to have built and lost than never to have built at all? I may have to get back to you on that when -- and if -- my withdrawals subside. Until then, here's the scoop on my experience along with a new video and some juicy tidbits of new info straight from Georgeson himself.

  • EverQuest Next's Georgeson teases cryptic tweet

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Oh, Dave Georgeson, you coy rascal! What the heck does 11 11 11 11 mean? Georgeson, SOE's EverQuest franchise director and a prominent figure in the development of EverQuest Next, published the cryptic string of characters earlier this afternoon on his personal Twitter account. EQN's fan community of course hazarded a few guesses which ranged from a beta announcement at 11:11 a.m. on November 11th to some sort of binary code. Georgeson isn't talking, though, other than a follow-up tweet that shot down the beta rumor. So we're left to wait and wonder what the heck these numbers mean in relation to SOE's upcoming fantasy sandbox.

  • New EverQuest Next Landmark screens show off possibilities

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If you have been hungry for more images showing off the possibilities in EverQuest Next Landmark, Franchise Director Dave Georgeson might very well be your favorite person today! He just released via Twitter a number of screenshots depicting a small outpost keep he assembled yesterday in about four-hours time. With the images, players can get a look at architectural elements like arches as well as a variety of props, including a couch made out of totem pole pieces! See them all for yourself in the gallery below. For those of you eager to get in and show off your own creations, Georgeson noted that the alpha phase will be the only phase with an NDA. If you just want to see more of Landmark and EverQuest Next, keep your eyes peeled for the new livestream series; Senior Producer Terry Michaels announced in last night's Round Table livestream that players can expect to start seeing the game in future streams.

  • EQ Next, Landmark to share combat systems

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Although we knew that combat was going to be present in EverQuest Next Landmark in some capacity (Franchise Director Dave Georgeson mentioned getting leather for crafting way back at SOE Live), no actual details were known. Now, thanks to a Forbes interview with Georgeson we know that the combat system will have the same mechanics as EverQuest Next. The two games will also share the same emergent AI system, although Georgeson said that Landmark may not use it in the exact same way. So if the two games are sharing so many things, what is the point of having two separate full-fledged MMORPGs? Georgeson answered by stating, "EverQuest Next is more of a focused narrative with story arcs and rallying calls, [and] emergent AI pushing things around. Landmark is very much an exploration in creativity and making things that are cool to show off to other players." While combat won't be in Landmark right at launch, it will be implemented very soon afterwards. We guess the big question now is will you be playing EQ Next, Landmark, or both?

  • We interviewed SOE about today's EQII Heroic Characters patch

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    By now you have probably heard that EverQuest II is launching a little thing called Heroic Characters today; after all, this little thing is kind of a big deal. How often do players get the chance to jump in and experience a game as a permanent high-level character instead of just being teased with one during a brief tutorial? And for two weeks this possibility is completely free to each and every person, be they new players or veterans. Whether you are eagerly awaiting your chance to jump (back) into Norrath and see what things are like in the newest story arcs or you're eyeing the sudden influx of high level newbs with trepidation, there's no denying that EQ II is going through a fundamental shift today. This patch has the ability to change the landscape of play in the game more so than anything since the free-to-play conversion. When you couple these new Heroic Characters with the lifting of item restrictions, there are literally no more gates barring people from joining and experiencing most of what the game has to offer. In anticipation of this big change, I had the opportunity to sit down with Franchise Director Dave Georgeson and Producer Holly Longdale to talk Heroic Character shop, and they shed more light on this upcoming experience. They also revealed a little something extra coming for the raiders in Norrath.

  • The Tattered Notebook: EverQuest Next Round Table roundup

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Back when EverQuest Next and EverQuest Landmark were announced, SOE President John Smedley made it clear that the two games were henceforth in "open development." That meant that the company would be soliciting feedback and opinions from players about myriad design decisions for the two games. Since then, EQ Next devs have thrown out new questions each week for players to vote on and discuss. Utilizing polls and forum discussions in a special section of the main site labeled Round Table, important topics like bearded female dwarves and armor appearance customization are delved into and player desires and feedback are gathered. After collecting the data, the devs respond, sometimes in video form. Today, The Tattered Notebook is going to round up all those roundtables, giving you a summary of which way the community is leaning on these different topics as well as the dev input. I'll even throw in snippets of their opinions as well! Of course, if you haven't added your thoughts to the mix and you'd like to, you still have time to do so as all the polls are still active.

  • PAX Prime 2013: The strange case for EverQuest Next Landmark

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It's early on the first day of PAX Prime and I haven't had my coffee yet. The coffee is necessary to catch me up to the boundless enthusiasm of the ponytailed dev who sits across from me gesticulating wildly. With each wave of the hand a new image pops on the large monitor to the right of us, showing off another captivating snapshot of a fantasy world and its potential inhabitants. It's one thing to watch Dave Georgeson be giddy about EverQuest Next and its slightly-more-sandbox-than-thou EverQuest Next Landmark from afar. It's another thing to be close enough that his hand gestures threaten my full cup of joe. And either near or far, it's hard not to ride the wave of enthusiasm to the shores of hype, hopes, and dreams. Georgeson and company are strongly pushing EverQuest Next Landmark these days, possibly because it's coming out in a couple of months and possibly because it's a strange game to explain to players. Just what is it? Sandbox? MMO? Real estate simulator? Parkour paradise? Capitalistic haven for up-and-coming designers? According to him, it's all of the above and then some.

  • The Tattered Notebook: Will EQ Next bolster or break EQII?

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Doom! Gloom! Kaboom! As is wont to happen, the recent news about SOE's layoffs sparked a flurry of speculation about the fate of the various games in the studio's portfolio. In fact, it's not terribly unlike the the speculation after the unveiling of EverQuest Next. Will EQ Next/SOE layoffs kill off my beloved *insert game title here*? In the case of EverQuest II, I feel fairly confident that the answer is a resounding no. I've even said as much before. Unfortunately, I can't confidently say the same for other titles, even though I'm pulling for the success of them all. If anything, I get the impression that SOE is circling the wagons around its flagship IP, solidifying its attention on the franchise that started it all. Where do I get that idea? Well, keep reading to find out!

  • The Tattered Notebook: Quips, quotes, and EQ Next tidbits from SOE Live

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It's official: I survived SOE Live! (I'd have included "with my sanity intact," but we all know I didn't have any going into it.) It's not that I seriously doubted this conclusion; I did successfully survive my inaugural visit after all. But with so much to see and hear and do, there was bound to be a casualty of some sort. In this case, it was sleep. Even sacrificing that, there was still no way to experience it all -- and I tried! If you haven't been to SOE's annual "family reunion" in a while, you might not realize just how big it has grown. And adding EverQuest Next and EverQuest Next Landmark to the already expanded portfolio of games represented made for more news than could reasonably be condensed into nice little packages. That's where The Tattered Notebook comes in! I'm going to share an assortment of hidden gems and hilarious moments from the convention, including plenty of EQ Next intel from various developer interviews.

  • The Tattered Notebook: It's OK if EverQuest Next is a niche game

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I'd like to open today's column with my favorite quote from SOE's EverQuest Next reveal: "Enough is enough. Enough of the same game already. It's time to get some new ideas into the genre." Now, you would think that this sort of unambiguous mission statement would be picked up on and understood by everyone who has even a passing interest in EverQuest Next. After all, the quote rolled off franchise director Dave Georgeson's tongue during the first two minutes of the EQN reveal speech. And if it wasn't clear from that opening monologue that EQN isn't going to be your daddy's combat lobby, the rest of the reveals that focused largely on the game world, the building tools, and a wee bit of the ol' ultraviolence should have been the second clue.

  • The Guild Counsel: EQ Next, guilds, and you

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Once again, SOE Live has come to a close, but with all the news about EverQuest Next, there are several questions left unanswered, particularly when it comes to the social side of gameplay. Each week here, we look at questions related to guild leadership, but over the years, the design process of MMOs has had as much a role as anything in how guild leaders make management decisions. It's been less than a week since we first saw the EQ Next reveal, and there are already many guilds mobilizing and preparing for their first adventures together in game. So let's look at a few of the questions related to guilds and the social side of EverQuest Next in this week's Guild Counsel.

  • SOE Live 2013: The lore of EverQuest Next

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    In the lead up to the big reveal for EverQuest Next, one note that gave a number of fans pause was that the world will be re-imagined for this iteration of the EverQuest franchise. The next Norrath will be familiar, but definitely not the same. But just how different is different? That question was on the lips of lore enthusiasts (who can most likely recite the entire history of the pantheon) and casual players (who've grown comfortable with their surroundings) alike. Thanks to SOE Live, we now have a partial answer to that very query. During a dedicated lore panel, attendees were treated to a Norrathian History 101 class. Those in attendance heard the philosophy behind the lore design of EQ Next as well as a sketch of the history leading up to the start of the game. And now you can benefit from the class notes!