

  • Google's 1Gbps broadband offer brings out the crazy in municipal officers around the States (video)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    You'll be aware by now that Google's cooking up an experimental high speed broadband network, which is currently in the process of collecting applications and nominations from interested communities. Given the limited coverage planned -- anywhere between 50,000 and 500,000 people -- there's understandably a lot of competition to get your small town on Google's radar, and city officials all around the USA have been doing their utmost to grab some publicity for their locale. Duluth mayor Don Ness can be seen above taking a dip in Minnesota's icy Lake Superior (with his unfortunate underling Richard Brown taking a fish to the face), while others have held parades, danced, invented a "Google Fiber" flavor of ice cream, and even swam with sharks for the sake of that precious fiber. Duluth, however, is the only place officially endorsed by a senator, and you can see Al Franken promote the city's virtues on video after the break. [Thanks, b3ast] Update: We've now also got video of the actual dip in the water, slide past the break to see it [Thanks, TheLostSwede].

  • Duluth, Minnesota blessed with three new HD options on Charter

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While Charter subscribers in Madison, Wisconsin are expecting to gain access to TLC HD and Discovery HD in the not-too-distant future, neighboring customers in Minnesota (Deluth, to be precise) can get cozy with Golf / Versus HD, Discovery HD and The Movie Channel HD right away. We're not so sure these additions aren't a regional thing, so be sure and shout if you too spotted these newcomers on your Charter STB.[Thanks, Bob D.]