

  • SIM2 tag-teams with Entertainment Experience to bring you movies on hard drives

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Now here's a real head-scratcher -- imagine that instead of having Netflix ship you a new movie on disc every few days, you had some other company sending you a new hard drive once or twice a week. If we're understanding SIM2's latest news correctly, that's exactly what'll happen when signing up with Entertainment Experience, LLC. The Digital Entertainment Solution includes SIM2's ultra-pricey C3X 1080p projector, but that's not even the best part; purchasers will apparently also receive an undisclosed amount of additional hardware in the form of a "Digital Entertainment Center" that accepts HDDs with motion pictures stored in a reference-grade DCI format accepted by Hollywood. It even sounds like an AV signal processor comes bundled in to make even your current media components (Xbox 360, PS3, Blu-ray player, etc.) look better. Both firms have noted that content should be available "soon," and while we'll be doing our best to track down more information at CEDIA, feel free to read up on the cryptic release after the break for now.