

  • Finger Tied Jr. coming next week

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Finger Tied is an iPad app that arrived late last year. It's put together by developer Owen Goss, and he says that a lot of users have asked him to create an iPhone version of the app, but given that it's a game that uses the iPad's big screen for lots of finger-swiping space, he didn't want to make it until he was sure he could do it justice. Apparently he found a way, because he's delivering the iPhone version next week, with a game called Finger Tied, Jr. There's a short post up on his blog talking about the game, and as you can see from the picture above, it's more compact than the full iPad title. But that could be fun anyway. Finger Tied, Jr. is due out next week, May 23. Stay tuned for a full look at the app sometime after that.

  • Daily iPad App: Finger Tied will tie your fingers in knots

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Developer Owen Goss has made some really interesting puzzle games for iPhone and iPad, including the excellent LandFormer. He also built an app called Baby's Musical Hands that emphasizes simple interaction with the iPad. Clearly, he's very interested in the iPad's tactile possibilities. His latest game, Finger Tied, explores the idea even further by asking players to directly interact with the glass screen in several ways. The core idea is simple. There are a few different shapes on the screens with tracks attached to them. Your goal is to drag your fingers across the screen and follow those different tracks. As you can see above (and in our video below), this can get difficult as the levels go up, sometimes requiring you to independently operate up to four different fingers at once. The game also has a very nice and intuitive level creation editor, where you can make your own levels in a snap. Unfortunately, I can't find an easy way to share custom levels, so maybe that's a feature that will be in the pipeline for a later date. At any rate, Finger Tied is an excellently designed title, and demonstrates how much thought Goss has put into the touchscreen's potential. The game's currently available at a launch sale price of just US$0.99, making it a must-buy for anyone with 10 fingers and an iPad.