

  • From Football Manager 2005 to 'real' football manager?

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    John Boileau, an expert at Football Manager 2005, decided to take his game to the next level by applying for the managerial position at Middlesbrough Football Club. Why not? Long story short, John didn't get the job, but Middlesbrough's chairman did take the time to write him a charming rejection letter. You can visit John's site for the full details, including reproductions of the application and response -- also consider donating to his breast cancer charity cause. [Thanks, Shizzle]

  • Sega acquires Secret Level & Sports Interactive

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Sega moved one step closer to gaining further ground in the Western market by acquiring San Francisco developer Secret Level through an undisclosed deal. Last July, Sega put Secret Level to work, tasking the developer with reviving a classic franchise - rumored to be After Burner - for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Apparently, pleased with the studio's work, Sega decided to acquire Secret Level, rather than build an internal team from scratch. Sega has also announced the acquisition of UK studio Sports Interactive, developers of the Football Manager series. [Thanks, The1]