

  • Papal productions going HD for better views of the Holy See

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    The Vatican has recently unveiled a new six million dollar HD mobile unit, hinting that if seeing is believing, they'd prefer representation in 1080p. To help blunt the cost on the nation's coffers, the Knights of Columbus pledged one million Euros to the initiative ($1.36 million dollars) while Sony also cut the walled-enclave a matching discount -- possibly as a further mea culpa for the Manchester gunfight scene. The new equipment is slated to be fully operational just in time for Pope's Christmas broadcasts and from then on would be rolled out during special Vatican events. Thinking ahead to the future, the system is also designed to be easily 3D upgradable, which head of Sony Italia Gildas Pelliet was sure to mention "can be done in a very discreet, subtle way" while still engaging future audiences with the Pope's message. Combined with his texting habits, a recent YouTube channel, and the Pope2You online portal, Pope Benedict XIV has done quite a lot in his five-year tenure to help one of the oldest institutions get up to speed with today's technology -- let alone for an 83-year-old man.

  • Digital foundry's HDScope is the capture device for gamers who serve gamers videos about gaming

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    If you wanted to launch a videogame site in the old days all you needed was high school grammar and a bunch of grainy, 300 x 200 screencaps of Mario 64. Today's readers are a more fickle bunch, wanting monitor-busting screenshots and CPU-taxing HD videos of the latest Xbox 360 and PS3 titles. To cater to the sites who will cater to those gamers, Digital Foundry is launching the HDScope, a pixel-crunching, semi-portable PC designed explicitly for recording content in 480i, 576i, 480p, 720p, or 1080i via component or HDMI inputs. It sports a 7-inch touchscreen, meaning you can just plug this into the wall and start gathering footage from that exclusive (and oddly dusty) beta copy of Duke Nukem: Forever you scored. No word on price or availability, but launch a site full of random videos captured on one of these and you'll surely be swimming in ad revenue -- and outrageous hosting fees.[Thanks, Dirk]