

  • The B[ack]log: Katamari Do Your Best

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Well, the title seemed sort of clever at the time. "The B[ack]log" represents one gamer's fight against that seemingly insurmountable and entirely self-inflicted obstacle, the ever-sprawling backlog of games that are either unfinished, unplayed or unloved. That's the "Backlog" part. After surgically inserting some brackets, it becomes "B[ack]log," a reference to both the blog format and the unique sound emitted whenever I view the stack of games I keep adding to every month. And every week, I hope to subtract at least one and ramble about it for a few paragraphs... if you don't mind. A review this is not. It seems simultaneously appropriate and depressing then, that the first game to be ejected and examined (and then ejected again) is one primarily concerned with hoarding as much stuff as you possibly can -- We Love Katamari for the PlayStation 2.

  • We Love Katamari review round-up

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The sequel to the quirky cult-hit Katamari Damacy hits stores tomorrow. We Love Katamari promises more of the same. But has the novelty worn off? Or are you fiending for this new fix? Current reviews: 1UP (85) Cheat Code Central (90) Edge Magazine (80) EuroGamer (90) IGN (80) GamePro (80) GameSpot (84) netjak (97) PSM Magazine (90) Siliconera (85) [via Metacritic]

  • We Love Katamari coming to America... with bad box art!

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    Puzzle game may seem like a strange genre to squeeze junk-rolling oddball Katamari Damacy into, but I guess that's the closest approximation to categorizing the most lovable (yet darkly foreboding) game I've played. Well, the sequel, We Love Katamari, is finally making it to American shores next month, and I'm sure you're joining me in holding your breath until the day it's released, too. The only thing I'm not waiting for is the currently planned U.S. box art. One word: UGH! Compared to the original's surreal Western packaging (or the serene version of the Japanese CD soundtrack), this version actually cries out for some focus-group testing (on an almost original Xbox-controller level). Compare this with even the sequel's Japanese (or even Korean) covers in this preview from early August (see the actual art planned there), and I think you'll agree that something's amiss with Namco's American marketing team. People are angry, and they aren't gonna take it anymore! Considering all the speaking engagements Katamari's creator has had since the release of the original, it's hard for me to believe this relative artistic stinker made it through the publisher's approval process. Personally, this illustration belongs on the back of the game case, not the front. Can anyone throw together an insert mod for me? [UPDATE: Hopefully, you didn't mistake the joke image I found online and included with my post above with the genuine article that can be found below. Just in case you didn't take the time to examine it, the joke image reads: "We Boycott Katamari.") If you missed it in my post, take a look at the officially planned, but still atrocious image ripped from GameFly below, and feel your raw hate begin to rise to new heights (don't say we didn't warn you): http://www.1up.com/do/imageDisplay?id=2176237] [via gewgaw]

  • EA rolls over Katamari, nabs co-publishing rights

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    We love Katamari. The same can't be sad for EA. But honestly, this isn't as bad as it sounds. Namco has signed a deal with EA to co-publish "We Love Katamari" in Europe. Which means, yes, EA will be making a fast buck, er euro, but it will also help Katamari reach the hearts of Europeans throughout the territories. Everyone's a winner, right? [via Pro-G]

  • 1UP spotlights Katamari sequel

    Steve Parsons
    Steve Parsons

    The lucky folk in Japan have gotten their sweaty, eager hands on the Katamari sequel, while we have to wait. BOO! All we can do is read about the game for now. (Import not withstanding.) In a four page piece, 1UP take a look at Katamari, it's sequel, and the developers. It's nice to read that originally, they didn't think there should be a sequel. A refreshing change, when it seems all games these days are designed with franchises in mind. It's a rather enlightening look at a mindbending game.

  • We Love Katamari screenshots

    Steve Parsons
    Steve Parsons

    As in screenshots of the sequel, not the fact that we just happen to love screenshots of the game. It's always tricky to pick a genre to stick Katamari stories in. I mean technically, it's a puzzle game, but it can get pretty frantic, lending itself to action. It involves balls, which could make it a sports title. (HAHA!) Regardless, GamePro have some eye candy for you to amuse yourselves with until we get a release this side of the Pacific.

  • We Love Katamari is here!

    Steve Parsons
    Steve Parsons

    Rejoice my friends, rejoice! All your ball rolling fantasies can come true. Again! Admittedly you'll have to be in Japan to fulfill them right now, but hey, just how badly do you want to roll your balls? 1UP has the goods on the sequel to the most original game of the last few years. Of course, by having a sequel, the game is no longer original, but oh well. The piece is pretty deep, and gives us a lot of details to keep us chomping at the bit until that pesky US release.

  • 1UP Loves Katamari

    Steve Parsons
    Steve Parsons

    1UP get up close and personal with everyones favourite ball rolling game. Specifically with the co-op mode, which, of course, they got to do at E3. *yawn* Two players control one, yes, one katamari, with each player controller half of it. So teamwork is imperative. Well, unless you like bugging your fellow player by refusing to go in their direction. Ah, to be seven again...

  • First Katamari Damacy 2 pics look like Katamari Damacy pics

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    Yeah, there's not really any difference betweeen the original and the sequel as far as graphics go. But if there was ever a game that spat in the face of eye-candy fans it's Katamari Damacy. No, KD is all about gameplay - weird, trippy, someone-should-be-hospitalized-for-this-one gameplay. So why are we showing off screenies of the upcoming title? Because we're excited, that's why!

  • Katamari Damacy sequel on July 7th

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    But not in the U.S. or Europe, alas. Japan will have the privilege to rack up the worlds' goods with the next Katamari Damacy this July. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like there will be any kind of innovation in the sequel. But considering the original's gameplay was unique, addictive, surprising and trend-setting, we'll let is pass this time. We expect a FULL report from our Japanese readers once it's released, though. No slacking over there guys.

  • NEW Katamari Damacy 2 images!

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The Magic Box has a nice collection of new Katamari Damacy 2 pics (very rare!). Enjoy. [Via Waxy]

  • Katamari Damacy 2: Everyone Loves Katamari!

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy ("Everyone Loves Katamari Damacy") is currently at 30%, with a projected Spring 2005 Japanese release. As is, this much-anticipated sequel is looking to provide more of the same addictive action that made the original a cult classic. Of course, Namco is implementing a number of changes including a greater variety of primary goals carried out in all-new stages-Candyland-esque houses, a school, zoo, & raceway... Also, this time around, there will be three types of presents: for the head, face, and body. We'll keep you posted as the development process furthers to completion.