

  • Minor league baseball offering free Father's Day TiVos

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    Just because Father's Day is half over and you still haven't gone out and picked up a present for dear old dad, doesn't mean that you have to suffer through yet another year of cold stares from the man himself and taunting from the rest of the family. Thanks to TiVo, you can still stay in Dad's good graces by taking him to one of 25 minor league baseball matches around the country tonight (click the Read link for a complete list), where select teams will each be giving away free Series 2 boxes to the first 1,000 male parents who walk through the gates. Well, by free, TiVo means that you have to sign up for a one-year service agreement at $155 -- what, did you think they were gonna give away the service too? -- but that's still an $84 savings over buying the same bundled package in the store. Even better, if your dad has decided to boycott the American Pastime due to Major League Baseball's hard line on placeshifting its games, you can still take advantage of this deal from the comfort of your home by signing up online.