

  • E3 2013: DCUO plans to remain completely free on PS4

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The PlayStation 4 made headlines at this year's E3 thanks to its console wars one-upmanship as well as its newly announced launch library. But one previously announced had a live demo at the L.A.-based convention extravaganza; DC Universe Online offered players a chance to experience some next-gen superhero shenanigans for themselves, so we totally jumped in on the action! After engrossing ourselves in the world of capes, masks, and super powers, we nabbed Executive Producer Lawrence Liberty to talk with us about DCUO's conversion to the PS4. He shared details about performance, uses for the touchpad on the new controller, a new companion app, and the plan for DCUO to be available at the console's launch. Liberty also noted that the team is working with Sony to keep the game free on the PS4 so players won't have to purchase a PlayStation Plus membership.

  • D&D producer says PSP could handle an MMO

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Anyone wondering if an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game would be possible on Sony's PSP can thank Lawrence Liberty for opening the window of opportunity with a few forward-thinking statements. The producer of the hotly anticipated Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics recently told Eurogamer that he believes the PSP to be perfectly suitable for MMO. "Even if it relied on a sizable memory stick," he says, "it could certainly handle something like EverQuest Online Adventures." The PC platform has an MMO graveyard that seems to grow with each passing quarter. It's no easy feat for an MMO to stay afloat for even the first year. Fanboys or not, persistent online worlds need to draw in the elusive casual gamer in order to retain enough residual support to survive. What do you think? Could the PSP draw in enough of an audience to keep an MMO alive long enough to kick some profit and convince developers to provide additional content?