

  • Evolution and Sony Liverpool studios merging, combining resources

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    From the "Did you know?" department comes an interesting tidbit regarding Sony's internal development studios -- specifically, the two behind last year's Wipeout HD (Liverpool Studio) and Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (Evolution Studios). According to veep of Worldwide Studios Europe, Michael Denny, it is Sony's intention to fully merge the teams, which already share a management structure and resources, in a single geographic location."Each studio has its own internal concepting group which will always be looking at new opportunities and new IPs," Denny told, "and we'll continue to extend and innovate within our existing franchises as well." The move won't happen "overnight," but the synergy that would result is sure to be beneficial to off- and hovering-slightly-above-road racing fans. We only hope that the two studios don't fall into the same trap Team Joystiq does whenever united under one roof: hours upon hours wasted looking at funny cat videos.