

  • In the App Store, love comes cheap

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    When you're a writer, people expect you to write. And when you're courting someone the pressure to write for them, and to do it well, is amplified. My most recent romantic conquest, a Mexican interior designer, lived in LA. He was a diehard romantic, hundreds of miles away, and despite a slight language barrier, he had a way with words that I struggled to match. He had the ability to make me melt with a single text. I, in turn, would sit for minutes at a time, wringing my heart and brain for just one drop of sweet sentiment.

  • What in the World of Warcraft is love?

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    The Onion has produced a quite frankly amazing satirical piece with which spouses and lovers of WoW addicts everywhere will instantly empathize. It perfectly encapsulates the geekiness and obsession with World of Warcraft that the other half invariably fails to understand, usually because they live life in the real world rather than in Azeroth. I don't want to spoil it by quoting any of it here, so just take my word for it and read this article!