

  • Apple pulls out of EPEAT green registration, may not be able to sell computers to federal agencies

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Apple has withdrawn all its laptop and desktop computers from the EPEAT environmental rating system, including older MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models. According to iFixit, who recently tore down a MacBook Pro and its retina screen, that's likely related to a design direction favoring smaller, lighter notebooks and longer battery life. Doing so required them to glue the cells to the aluminum shell, making it impossible to recycle the case and other parts -- iFixit couldn't pull the batteries out without spilling the (highly toxic) battery guts all over. Cupertino's decision means that many federal agencies might not be able to buy those products, since 95 percent of its electronics purchasing must conform to the EPEAT standard. On top of that, many educational institutions that require the certification would also need to opt out of Mac purchases, as well as large corporations like HSBC and Ford. Currently, iPhones and iPads are exempt from that certification, but considering recent ads from Apple specifically touting its conformance to EPEAT, the company might have some 'splaining to do. [Image credit: iFixit]

  • Samsung's MBP200 pico PJ, i7410 projector phone get ship dates

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Two of Samsung's smallest beamers just got prices and release dates, but sadly, neither are in US dollars. The MBP200 pico projector will reportedly ship this May across the pond for €499 ($637), while the i7410 (more commonly referred to as the Show) will hit during the summertime for a price still to be determined. We know, it's not the bucketful of information you wanted, but it's something to whet your appetite until the suits at Sammy give us the dirty details we're really after.

  • Samsung shows off MBP200 pico projector

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Tiny projectors seem to be popping up everywhere, filling press releases with amazing promise. However, it's still not too often that you actually get to see the things in action, so we were glad to see Samsung displaying not one but two prototypes of their upcoming MBP200 pico projector running for all to see. The Digital Experience room was rather well lit, not ideal conditions for a wee projector, but it threw a respectably bright image on a screen about three feet away, shown above. Not much bigger than a cell phone, the MBP200 sports an integrated 480 x 320 projector plus a 2.2-inch, 320 x 240 LCD for when you feel like being a little more private. It plays videos, music, and even office productivity files directly from a microSD slot, meaning, in theory, you can do your entire presentation with one device. It all sounds and looks fantastic, the only thing missing being some semblance of an anticipated price or release date more specific than "this year."