

  • BlogZot: HoudahSpot

    Dan Lurie
    Dan Lurie

    Spotlight is great, but its interface leaves one wanting. Its difficult to specify location, file type, date modified, and other types of file data without going out of your way to learn spotlight commands. HoudahSpot introduces a whole new way to interact with spotlight. Upon opening the program, one is greeted with an interface not dissimilar to the PathFinder search dialog, allowing users to choose where, for what file types and dates modified, as well as multiple other variables, to search. MacZot is doing another one of their BlogZot promotions for this product, in which every blog post advertising the event takes $0.05 off the price, until HoudahSpot is free. Only 5000 licenses of HoudahSpot are available, so get your posts in soon.

  • macZOT! giving away AppZapper

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    What will those kooky kids at macZOT! do next? Well, at the moment they seem determined to give away 2000 copies of AppZapper, kind of. As they say, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this life. macZOT! will lower the price of AppZapper by 5 cents for every blog that links to them, until the application is free.This is a clever way to get some free marketing, and give away some great software. Everyone wins!Thanks to everyone who sent this in.

  • MacZOT fever spreading with MysteryZOTs

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Remember MacZOT, the bargain-a-day shareware site? It seems like it's catching on as wildfire, as they now have a "MysteryZOT" offering that seems to be all the rage. A MysteryZOT is a bundle of a few shareware apps for a ridiculously low price. The catch is that you have to place an order before you get to find out what you're ordering.Sounds crazy? As of around 5 PM yesterday afternoon, over four hundred people would like to disagree with you, as this post at the MacZOT blog says they've sold 402 of the alloted 500 packages of yesterday's MysteryZOT. This morning I noticed they sold their entire lot and have revealed its contents, which includes iClip, the NotePad widget (with full search and print functionality) and the FTP Drop widget which offers a handy DnD (drag-n-drop) operation for sending files up to a directory on a server you specify.At only $14.95 for these apps and three others (instead of $53.70), I'm starting to wonder if I missed out on a good deal. Did any of you TUAW readers jump on yesterday's MysteryZOT? Are you glad you did, or are you missing your $14.95?