

  • Comprehensive guides for making your PSP a better MP3 player

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    There are many reasons why the iPod is so successful and popular. One of those reasons is simplicity: iTunes allows music listeners to sync the music on their computers and the music on their portables quite easily. The latest release, iTunes 7, allows album art and relevant track information to be downloaded automatically. Kingbee116 from the PlayStation forums has come up with a solution for PSP owners, using software called MediaMonkey. This iTunes-like program will allow your PSP to become a better MP3 player, and will ensure that your songs feature album art when they play back on your PSP. Get detailed, step by step instructions at the PlayStation forums.Of course, the PSP has one feature that the iPod currently doesn't have: built-in wi-fi. Kingbee116 has yet another incredibly detailed guide which shows you how to make the most out of your PSP's RSS feature. With his tutorial, you'll be able to stream internet radio wherever you have a wi-fi connection. Certainly, his tutorial will go quite handily with our newly launched feature, RSS this![Thanks, Kingbee116!]