philip k dick


  • Flow my tears, the newly-built robotic head of Philip K. Dick said

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Yes, this is definitely a post (and video!) about a hand-built, robotic head of author Philip K. Dick, who died in 1982, leaving the world a trove of literature which could be turned into films like Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly. Sadly, he did not leave a robotic head of himself. It may surprise you to find out that this is actually not even the first robotic head of Philip K. Dick, it's apparently the second. This newly-built robo-PKD is meant to replace one that was famously lost in 2006, and was built by Hanson Robotics and Dutch public broadcasters VPRO. The video after the break is creepy and amazing, but it's nothing compared to the VALIS Trilogy.

  • Many find Fallout 3 similar to Philip K. Dick's 'The Penultimate Truth'

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Written by sci-fi superstar Philip K. Dick in 1964, The Penultimate Truth follows people living in underground shelters, for fear of a World War III that they are told is being waged on the surface above them. We could go into more of the similarities between the book and Bethesda's Fallout 3, but then that would mean venturing into dangerous, radiation-strewn spoiler territory.Of course, if one wants to say that Bethesda plagiarized The Penultimate Truth, then one must look to previous titles in the Fallout series, as well. Vaults were featured in previous games, and upon exiting these vaults, hubs of civilization were also found among what was thought to be a post-apocalyptic barren wasteland. So does that mean Interplay plagiarized The Penultimate Truth or that, perhaps, the idea isn't entirely unique in the first place?