

  • We talk about PSP-3000 in Play Magazine

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Did you read Play issue #171? If you did, you would've noticed a certain someone from a certain PSP fan blog talking about the recently released PSP-3000 (aka PSP Brite). The blogger in question talks about whether or not Sony upgraded the PSP system too quickly, and why the lack of a second analog stick is no big deal. "A lot of people [said] that Sony should 'fix' the PSP by adding a second analogue stick," says Yoon. "But that would fundamentally change the system, and potentially lock out owners of older models from upcoming games. As it stands, PSP owners, from the 1000 to the 3000 series, are all able to play upcoming games."To download the featured article, click here (requires Acrobat Reader).

  • The award for best online RPG of '07 goes too...

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    According to Play Magazine, that award goes to Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa. An excerpt from the February 2008 issue in which the award is given, says, "... Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa presents a compelling moral/political sci-fi yarn sprinkled with just enough clever hybrid gameplay to escape the clutches of the MMO cookie cutter. TR's instances are well written, its world designs are thoughtful, and the cloning concept provides for highly rewarding class experimentation." I can't argue with that. I'm sure a hoary host of others will... since people love to gripe. But frankly I love the game. Then again I'm easy to please. If I don't like a game I'll stop playing it instead of ranting about how horrible it is in the general chat channel - day in and day out. Yet ironically continue to play the game. (Hmmm, can you say attention starved "griefer?") Anywho, congrats to Richard Garriott, NCsoft and Destination Games! Keep up the great work.

  • Metareview - Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    It's been well documented throughout the annals of time that Andrew is overly obsessed with anything Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins. I mean the guy has practically been hanging onto every whim of new information that has become available since he's heard of the game. And now that the game has just been released and reviews have poured in, I'm not sure whether he's happily playing it or if he's on suicide watch. You see, the game hasn't neccessarily been the poster child for great reviews; rather, it's reviews have seen more up and downs than Ike and Tina spending the winter locked in a log cabin in Montana. The game currently has an 73% average score on Metacritic. Play Magazine (95/100) says "Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins is '2D,' but it's also a highly-produced, meticulously planned, big-budget release. This is no throwback to side-scrollers gone by, this is 2D handheld gaming." Gamerfeed (70/100) tells us what we already know: "This game is about as hard as petrified wood. Capcom eased things up a bit by tossing three difficulty levels into the mix, but even the added confidence booster couldn't save me from dying hundreds of times." Official U.S. Playstation Magazine (40/100) gets down to the nitty gritty: "The ugly: The graphics, the controls, the level design."