

  • WoW TCG Battle of the Aspects Raid Deck now available

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    The thrill of taking down Deathwing might be winding down in the MMO, but in the WoW TCG, those cylinders are just starting to fire. The Battle of the Aspects Raid Deck lets you and your friends use your decks of choice to take down the Destroyer's automated boss deck. Unlike previous raid decks, this one gives you options to adjust the difficulty. If you're running basic decks or you're a more casual player, the base experience will work just fine, but if you're a high-level player, you can ratchet up the difficulty with up to four Tentacle cards that give Deathwing new abilities. The raid deck is augmented with one Treasure Pack booster with random cards from the 75-card Treasure set, including weapons, allies, and abilities (and a chance at Loot cards, too, since that's the question on your mind). Treasure Pack boosters are also available separately. Battle of the Aspects is available in stores now. P.S.: If you're wondering who wrote the brilliant flavor text on these cards, it was me. I did.

  • WoW TCG Assault on Icecrown Citadel 4-player game now available

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Grab three friends and roll the dice to see who gets to be the Lich King -- Cryptozoic Entertainment just released the Assault on Icecrown Citadel four-player game! The game is built on the WoW Trading Card Game, but rather than having to build and use your own deck, you take control of decks themed around Icecrown's biggest heroes: Tirion Fordring, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Jaina Proudmoore. Each hero plays differently, and you'll need all of their unique abilities and weapons to defeat the Lich King, also controlled by a player. To top it off, it's packaged with a special Treasure Pack containing cards unique to the set and Worldbreaker loot cards. I was lucky enough to get to play the game before its release, and I can vouch for its fun factor. Being able to play as a lore hero instead of an average Joe gives the game a really epic feeling. The Assault on Icecrown Citadel game retails for $39.99 and is available at retailers now.

  • Naxxramas Raid Deck and Treasure Packs now available

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Following the success of their previous raid sets, Onyxia's Lair, Molten Core, Magtheridon's Lair, and the Black Temple, Upper Deck has released the first Wrath-themed event pack with the Naxxramas Raid Deck and Treasure Pack last December 22. Unlike their previous raid offerings, however, the Naxxramas Treasure Packs are stand-alone products which can be used separately from the raid deck. According to Dan Bojanowski, Upper Deck's World of Warcraft TCG Senior Brand Manager, the stand-alone approach "was created as a direct result of customer feedback." Aside from containing the standard content such as exclusive foil cards, the set would also include "alternate art heroes featuring heroes from the Drums of War block in Naxxramas-themed gear and settings." The Raid Deck, which is available for $29.99, contains a 110-card raid deck, 15 oversized boss cards, a 16-card Treasure Pack, and a UDE points card (or Loot card) and rulebook. Treasure Packs retail for $9.99 apiece and contain 15 random foil Treasure Pack cards out of a total of thirty collectible cards, a hero in Naxxramas-themed armor, and a UDE points card or Loot card. Hero cards are drawn from the Drums of War expansion set with variant art, with a total of ten cards with new art to collect. Each Treasure Pack also has a chance to contain a random Loot card from the Fields of Honor expansion set.

  • WoW TCG Molten Core Battlegrounds this weekend

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    If you're a fan of the WoW Trading Card Game, you'll want to head to your local retailer this weekend for a special Molten Core Raid Deck Battleground. This is the most casual level of tournament play. For a $5 entry fee you can play your Hero with others to form a raid party against Ragnaros. Every Hero will receive a randomly selected the Raid Deck's treasure pack. If your group defeats Rag, you will also get to keep whatever treasure cards drop from him, possibly even Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnoras.The official site has all the details plus a very extensive list of all the retail outlets that will be running this event.

  • New Molten Core Raid Deck released

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    The constant expansion of the Warcraft universe never ceases to amaze me. We've seen novels, free online manga, credit cards, clothing, soundtracks, boardgames, a pen & paper RPG system, plus the tightly-under-wraps movie. And now, the newest addition to their Trading Card Game: the limited-edition Molten Core Raid Deck.Upper Deck Entertainment has announced this new deck has shipped to retail outlets. What's cool about it is you can either play the heroes fighting Ragnaros or, get this, you can play Ragnaros himself. He has his own deck and comes with ten loot cards to unseal when defeated. There are also many other Molten Core bosses to face down including Lucifron and Majordomo Executus.And let's not forget the randomly inserted cards that give players access to in-game items. Anyone looking to learn more can head to the WoW TCG official site for demos, instructions and previews of different cards. They also have an online walkthrough of the new deck in three parts. So who among the WoW Insider faithful enjoy the Trading Card Game? Let's hear from you!