

  • Mad rogue beyond Thunderdome: Your guide to the Ring of Blood

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    The Ring of Blood is probably the most talked-about quest in the Outlands. It definitely has the most talked-about rewards -- a choice of six excellent weapons, including a two-handed axe, a rogue dagger, a fist weapon, a nice caster staff, the aforementioned Staff of Beasts, and a healing club. I know a lot of people are really interested in successfully completing the quests, and since I aspire to please my reading public and get that sweet, sweet fist weapon, I grabbed four of my guildmates and took the plunge into the Ring of Blood. What followed was an excellent lesson in how Alliance and Horde, by calmly working together and trying to help each other, can turn a simple fifteen-minute quest into a two-hour nightmare.