

  • Warlords of Draenor's rocky launch saga and Reddit controversy continue

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    We've heard a lot of "it's a good problem to have" in regards to the struggles that World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor has faced this past week, as a huge influx of players have met laggy servers, lengthy queues, and DDoS attacks. But we're sure that Blizzard would prefer no problems, period, which is why the studio has been updating the community on an hourly basis regarding its efforts to stabilize the game. Blizzard says that it's currently monitoring the servers and has seen an improvement in performance around the world. In the past day, the studio has performed rolling restarts, hotfixes, and increased the population caps on various servers. Massively's own writers have had mixed experiences thus far; while we had to cancel Mike's Friday stream because of queues and the servers were down a large portion of Saturday, by Saturday night queues and lag issues were clearing up on some servers, like Bree's, no doubt thanks to increased capacity. But some gamers are taking their reaction to the extreme. The core moderator of the WoW subreddit shut that subreddit down last night in protest over his personal login difficulties. While the forums have since been restored with apologies from other Reddit mods, participants are still arguing over the events. "r/WoW shouldn't be a hostage," Blizzard bluename Zarhym admonished via Twitter.

  • Blizzard working to repair ongoing login issues [Updated]

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Nethaera has posted on the US forums that Blizzard are working to rectify the login issues currently preventing players from connecting to certain realms. Following today's rolling restarts that may or may not be related to some strange events, many players have had issues gaining access to the game. Nethaera We are currently experiencing an issue after the performed rolling restarts that is affecting the authentication servers. We are currently investigating this issue and will provide further updates within an hour. Updates: 12:17 p.m. PDT - We are continuing to work to resolve the connection issues that many players are experiencing while attempting to log in to the game. We do not have an ETA for when this will be resolved but will provide an additional update at approximately 1:15 p.m. PDT. 1:17 p.m. PDT- Thank you for your patience. The log in issues are being slowly resolved and players are able to log in once more. We will provide updates should any additional issues occur. source [Thanks for the tips!] Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Raids with friends edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. The big news of this week is probably patch 4.3.2, which is on the PTR. For the most part, it's bringing us minor balance changes and bug fixes, but there are a few big things in there, including a 64-bit client and the advent of raiding with your cross-realm friends. You still can't raid Dragon Soul with your friends from that PvP server you refuse to roll on, but you can at least do Raid Finder runs, as well as any classic raid your heart desires. Now you can sucker even more people into those legendary farming runs! With a new patch on test the servers and the last of the post-holiday doldrums more or less shaken off, you better believe there's plenty of good news and interesting stuff to read from the past week. Downtime this week is a series of rolling restarts at 10 a.m. PST, which of course gives you time for a nice mid-morning or early afternoon break to catch up on the news. Read on for the usual run-down.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Good night, sweet corgi edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. This week has had its share of silence, for sure. I'm not sure if the folks at Blizzard's just enjoying the last bit of the holidays or secretly playing that other game, but either way, they didn't have much to say this week. That's not say there wasn't activity and stuff to discuss, not at all. The Darkmoon Faire's back in town, for one, and we've all been looking back at some of the best and worst stuff to come out of 2011. This is also the week we had to say goodbye to that freaking sweet corgi in the picture above. We can only pray Blizzard gives him back to us a pet some time in the future. If they do not, it shall surely go down in the annals of history as one of the greatest MMO tragedies of all time. Downtime this morning is a series of rolling restarts starting at 10 a.m. PST, so you should have time to dig in to all the retrospectives and guides we have ready for you. Read on for the usual roundup.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: On the first day of Winter Veil edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everybody, and a very merry Winter Veil. Hopefully you've been celebrating, either by entering our 12 Days of Winter Veil contests or by going for in-game achievements. Then again, maybe you just don't care for that stuff and want to keep doing what you normally do -- and hey, that's cool too. No matter how you celebrate, you'll have to take a short break this morning as Blizzard applies rolling restarts to the servers starting at 10 a.m. PST. Don't worry though, we got lots of stuff for you to read while you wait. Read on after the break for our usual roundup of the last week's content, including some awesome Warcraft gift ideas for you last-minute shoppers.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: End of Hallow's End edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. I hope no one overindulged too much in candy or alcoholic beverages last night -- or if you did, I hope you're not too bad off. Myself, I'm finding that while I avoided getting the con crud, I seem to have picked up the Halloween party pestilence instead. Downtime this morning consists of a series of rolling restarts starting at 10 a.m. PDT. So whether you're fighting off a fall cold, a hangover, or a tummy ache -- or if you're feeling fine, you lucky bum -- you should have some time to read up on the week's news with us. There's a good mix of patch 4.3 and BlizzCon 2011 stuff to review, so you'll probably want to read on.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Glory to the Alliance edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. BlizzCon is over, and we're all recovering here, more or less. However, the news cycle marches on, and we've already received our post-BlizzCon bombshell: In a future content patch, Theramore will be destroyed by the Horde. I'm not going to lie. As a die-hard Alliance player, I'm more than a little crestfallen. Jaina Proudmoore means a lot to me, and so does the city she built. But I have found one surefire way to cure these doldrums. To all my Alliance brothers and sisters, I invite you: Watch that video up there, and remember. This is what we Alliance can do. We didn't need the Horde, and we didn't need the Argent Crusade or the Cenarion Circle or any other neutral organizations. Glory to the Alliance. While you bask in the power of the Alliance, I should also tell you that we have no reported downtime yet for this morning as of this writing. If it comes, though, have no fear. After the break, you'll find a roundup of all the BlizzCon news you may have missed over this crazy weekend, as well as everything else worth knowing about from the past seven days. Read on.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Let's kill Sylvanas edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. While we're all waiting with bated breath for the PTR to drop, there's at least a trickle of patch 4.3 info coming our way. We learned that rogues get to look like Batman, and that the tier 13 set bonuses are sort of weird. It was a pretty slow Monday, however, and as of this writing, we've heard nothing new about when the PTR will open.Hope springs eternal. I'm just hoping the new dungeons are up ASAP, because I can't wait to take out that lady up there, even if it's just as an echo from the future. Downtime this morning is just a quick series of rolling restarts at 5 a.m. PDT, but whether you're waiting out that quick server restart or waiting for news of the PTR, keep it here with us. We'll have all the news as soon as it breaks. In the meantime, you can catch our usual roundup of the past seven days' news, after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Scruffy nerfherders edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! I've been playing the original KOTOR lately, after having it sit in my Steam games library for way too long, and it's strangely awesome. I haven't played an old RPG that's held up this well in a long time. Of course, it's also made me really want to try SWTOR, so there's the downside. Anyway, I have Star Wars on my mind, so when those upcoming Firelands nerfs came up, it got me thinking. Could we call Blizzard developers nerfherders now? And if so, does that mean they are all awesome, roguish smugglers who totally shot first? Because I think I am OK with this. Downtime today is just a quick set of rolling restarts, starting at 5 a.m. PDT. While you wait for those to finish up, there's plenty of juicy news to catch up beyond the break, from new patch 4.3 sneak peaks to patch 4.2 hotfix hijinks. Read on to check it all out.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: One week more

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. It seems like we're all just waiting for patch 4.2 now. Everything's in place. We've been given an explanation of all the class changes. We even have a patch trailer. But as much as we were hoping it would drop this week, we have to wait one more week for them to work out the final kinks. Luckily, there's plenty of other news to keep you busy and keep the buzz going while you wait, such as that whole authenticator change. In addition, the Midsummer Fire Festival begins today, and we have an achievement guide for you. For these and more stories, check out our usual roundup behind the break. We only have to deal with rolling restarts this morning, but you can take those few minutes of downtime to read up, right?

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Ready! Aim! Firelands!

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. With PvP Season 9 slated to end as early as June 21, and a new patch 4.2 update on the PTR that's marked for release, it's probably safe to say that we'll see the new patch before July comes. This week, we're just seeing some quick rolling restarts, though, starting at 5 a.m. PDT. While you wait for those to pass, why not catch up on the latest news? We have updates on the last few changes to go up on the patch 4.2 PTR, as well a look at what the developers are saying over on the official forums. Read on for all this and more.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Lazy Monday edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday Morning, everyone. As I write this, it is the end of a lazy Monday, where much of the USA is just finishing up some awesome barbeque and maybe a beer or two and generally having a grand old time. As you read this, the same Americans are dragging themselves back to work, grumbling all the way. Cheer up, everyone! Look at this way: Most of you probably only have a four-day work week now, which is actually pretty sweet. The big news this week was, of course, the news that tier 11 normal modes will be nerfed come patch 4.2, to allow more people to run the old content. If that bothers you, don't worry, you can run tier 11 heroics in their original unnerfed glory. If that still bothers you, Ol' Grumpy would like a word with you. Oh, and I guess there was that other story about gold farming prisoners. If you're not concerned about any of that old stuff, don't worry, there's plenty more to read and discuss from the past few days. Blizzard's apparently taking it easy this morning too, as we have nothing more than rolling restarts for downtime this morning. So before you ease back into your work week, why not read on?

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Rearrangement envy edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. This is a banner week for every WoW altoholic. After years of struggle, a new dawn is upon us. We have learned that patch 4.2 will herald the greatest change ever to grace us in these 6 years. That's right: We get the ability to reorganize our character list. Finally, my poor death knight will not be banished under loads of mules and rarely played or abandoned alts. He can take his rightful position at the head of my list. You hear that buddy? Everything's going to be okay. There's plenty of other juicy WoW news to be had, both from the PTR and elsewhere, and we have a quick roundup of the latest stuff for you as usual. You can check it out while you're waiting for the rolling restarts to get finished. They'll start at 5 a.m. Pacific time and last about an hour. Me, I've decided to spend the downtime watching Gnome Fukkireta over and over again, so I'll see you on the flipside.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: The waiting is the hardest part

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    You know, you'd think we could be happy all this shiny new Cataclysm content -- but no, we're all about the future. We are all about what is next. We all want more, more, more. Blizzard's probably going to disappoint us again this week, though, as all we're getting this morning is a set of rolling restarts beginning at 5 a.m. PST. Sorry kids, it looks like we have at least another week until patch 4.0.6 drops in our laps. With that said, we're still digging deep into patch 4.0.6 and general Cataclysm stuff alike around here, and while we wait around for the patch to drop, there's still plenty to read up on. Rolling restarts still require at least a few minutes of downtime, so why not get caught up on WoW news while you wait? We have our usual roundup of the latest stuff below.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Patch 4.0.6 PTR edition

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    The past week has been largely dominated by discussion of patch 4.0.6, which isn't completely unexpected. The patch only recently made it to the PTR, and everybody loves talking about the new hotness. Cataclysm is old and busted now, right? Nobody wants to talk about that. All right, all right. I wouldn't call it old and busted, but patch 4.0.6 is bringing a lot of change to an already change-filled expansion. Classes, quests, and dungeons are all being buffed, nerfed, and fixed. Follow us behind the cut below to check out WoW Insider's top posts of the last week -- patch news and otherwise.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: There's treasure inside

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Over the holiday break, thanks to all of the companies that sent merchandise our way, WoW Insider gave away more prizes than we've ever given away for any previous event -- and this comes after our absolutely epic BlizzCon party wherein we gave away tons of goodies, and then the Cataclysm midnight release events where we (nearly) cleaned out the very last of our loot codes. However, now that things have calmed down, we've taken stock of the loot codes that went unused during Cataclysm's midnight release and we just might have some leftovers from that we'll be giving away here in the Tuesday Morning Post. However, since these are the precious few pieces of loot we have left for now, we're going to run this thing a little differently. To find out how to enter, you'll need to follow us past the break, check out our top articles of the week, and head down to the end of the post.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Festive reflections edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy new year, everyone. The feast of Winter Veil is finally over, and though all I really did for it this year was loot my presents on one or two characters, I have to admit I'm still a little sad to see it go. It was fun to see all the festivities. Even poor shipwrecked sailors huddling in damp caves and praying for rescue couldn't resist putting up elaborate Winter Veil trees. That's holiday spirit, my friends, and we could all learn from that. Luckily, we don't have to wait too long for a new holiday. The Lunar Festival will be up before the end of the month. Will we have to go find dwarven ancestors in the depths of Grim Batol? Will zerging Omen at 85 be any different from zerging him at 80 or 70? We'll find out! For the time being, though, we still have a few weeks free of holiday distractions to continue the Cataclysm grind. You'll be rudely interrupted this morning by a series of rolling restarts at 5 a.m. Pacific time, which gives you some to catch up the latest news right here at WoW Insider. Read on for our usual roundup of all the hottest news and best guides from the past seven days.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: 'Twas the night after Christmas

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! With the Christmas holiday in full swing, things were surprisingly short on the new front this past week. Fear not, though, we're making news of our own. With the end of the year fast approaching, we're spending the days taking a look back at our best work from the past year. Is your favorite article on our list? Now that Christmas is over and the presents unwrapped, did you get all the awesome WoW loot you asked Santa for? If not, don't fear, you might just have a second chance. The 12 Days of Winter Veil are in full swing here at WoW Insider, and we're still giving away all sorts of awesome loot. Just keep watching the site. Just because the news was slow doesn't mean the site was, as you can see. Keep on reading for more news and more guides to gearing your class and running the new dungeons. We do have some rolling restarts to deal with this morning, at 5 a.m. Pacific time, but after you've finished reading, you should be clear to jump right back into the game.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Countdown to Cataclysm edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. The big news of the moment actually started up last night: The next phase of the pre-Cataclysm world event has begun. This means we're ever closer to patch 4.0.3 and the release of Cataclysm. It feels like we've really cleared a hurdle here, so better get that old content done while you can. Of course, there's plenty of other news to sift through. We have few articles left from BlizzCon, for example. Also in awesome news is that The Shattering now has a much-deserved slot on the New York Times best-seller list. Downtime for maintenance consists only of a quick set of rolling restarts at 5 a.m., but it can't hurt to take a break and do some reading, right? We have our usual roundup after the break.

  • Updated: All realms now online

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Updated: All realms are now available. Re: Rolling Realm Restarts 10/14/2010 All realms are online and available for play! See you all ingame source After announcing rolling restarts on all U.S. and Oceanic realms last night, Blizzard has confirmed that all U.S. realms are currently offline due to an unforeseen technical issue. We will have more information when those issues are resolved. Re: Rolling Realm Restarts 10/14/2010 All US realms are temporarily unavailable due to an unforeseen technical issue. We are unable to provide an estimate on when these issues will be resolved. source