

  • Landro's Pet Box available for UDE points

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Upper Deck recently announced a new item available in-game for players to claim using UDE points accrued from collecting the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. The item, Landro's Pet Box, is a grab bag of sorts that can randomly give the character one of the following loot items: Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit, Path of Cenarius, Sandbox Tiger, Dragon Kite, Ethereal Soul-Trader, or Bananas, the Monkey. Items previously available through UDE points were limited to a selection of epic tabards, permanent fireworks, and a Carved Ogre Idol that turns characters into ogres for 10 minutes. According to the product description, Landro's Pet Box will more commonly give out Pet Biscuits, Paths of Cenarius, or the Sandbox Tiger, but will occasionally grant the rarer vanity pets. Players will not receive duplicates of vanity pets already obtained through the Pet Box. The item can be purchased through the UDE points store for 2,000 UDE points (the same cost as tabards) and is only available on US and EU realms. Landro's Pet Box marks the first time items previously available only through loot cards would be made available through UDE points, allowing players who miss out on elusive loot cards another shot at obtaining the items.

  • The Twelve Days of Winter Veil: Day eleven loot code giveaway

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Yesterday, we kicked off our Twelve Days of Winter Veil contests. Every day until January 2, 2010 will have new prizes to give away along with new loot codes. Today, we are giving away 1 Sandbox Tiger code courtesy of As you can see in the movie above, this in-game item can take you back to your childhood with a click. I don't know about you, but I'd love to see a Tauren on one. Or possibly Arthas. To enter for a chance to win, leave a comment in this post by Thursday, December 24, 2009, 12pm ET (noon). That's it. Limit one entry per person and make sure you're registered with a valid email address. We'll be choosing one winner randomly from the entrants and contact them via email after the close of the contest. Don't forget to check back every day through January 2nd for new contests celebrating the Twelve Days of Winter Veil! EDIT: Contest closed. Thanks everyone!

  • TCG Loot Giveaway: Sandbox Tiger and the Flag of Ownership

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Alright, step right up, you lucky sons of motherless ogres. The powers that be over here at have decided to bequeath upon a fortunate pair of readers more World of Warcraft TCG loot codes drawn from our bottomless, magical repository of gold and epic items (actually, they were given to us by those folks from, which is kind of like the same thing). For today's swag, we're giving away one cute little Sandbox Tiger and my favorite loot item, The Flag of Ownership.Unfortunately, I can't steal the code for the Flag of Ownership for myself, which is what I would totally do if it wasn't sealed in a super-secret, rune-encrypted, glyph-reinforced, enchanted Titansteel vault guarded by Matthew Rossi's reanimated chest fuzz. Heck, it could be in a box made out of tissue paper and I still wouldn't be able to get at it. Every one of Rossi's chest hairs is as rabid as a Tarrasque hopped on Red Bull. And those are just the ones that have been shaved off! You folks, on the other hand, simply have to leave a comment below for the chance to receive the code from the comfort and relative safety of your own home. I say relative because we've been instructed to send Rossi-hair ninjas to off anybody who leaves more than one comment.Oh, and don't forget that you only have until Wednesday, 11:59pm EDT to chime in before we lock this thread and swizzle out the winner. If those loot cards don't tickle your fancy, something's wrong with you you can submit an entry for our Guild of the Month contest or vie to snag one of Creative's fancy new wireless headsets. One or the other, you choose. Because let's face it, everybody loves free stuff.

  • Enter to win some loot cards from and

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Is it just me, or have we had lots of EU-only contests lately? First, Lesley gives away some loot cards for the EU, and then Turpster gives away some more. This is July 4th, and it's about time we served the North American side of the globe! (Canada, we missed Canada Day, so we'll throw you in the mix, too). Courtesy of our good friends over at (be sure to visit them if you need to know anything about the TCG Loot cards), let's give away some loot codes!We've got 10 in total that we'll give away to ten random commenters on this post before tomorrow night, Sunday July 5th, at midnight. There's an Epic Purple Shirt, two Sandbox Tigers, three Papa Hummel's Pet Biscuits, and four Party Grenades up for grabs -- to enter, just leave a comment on this post, and since it's Independence Day, how about telling us what your favorite kind of firework is. I was always partial to the black snakes -- most people though they were boring, but I knew how the big ones blew up, and I never really understood just how those darned snakes worked.One comment per person in the US and Canada only, please, and do be sure to use a real email address when you comment (that you check often) so we can get in touch with you ASAP if you win. Good luck to everyone, and happy Independence Day!

  • The Daily Quest: How I learned to stop worrying and love my guild leader

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We here at WoW Insider are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Roleplayers (or generally creative types), you have one more day to enter Letters from Birdfall's contest for a Sandbox Tiger! Clicking versus hotkeys has been a big topic 'round the blogs for the last couple of days, and Critical QQ is here to teach you how to stop being a clicker in 3 easy steps. Kill Ten Rats walks us through the daily quests of our real lives. You probably won't want to watch view all of this in one sitting, but if you have an hour and a half to spare you might want to check out this video of every single current boss WoW has to offer. As the GM of my guild, I'm a fan of The Wordy Warrior's list of 10 ways to make your guild leader love you. I especially like the part about cybering with the officers and giving them gold and free consumables. What up, ladies? Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • New TCG expansion Blood of Gladiators out

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Upper Deck has officially released the latest expansion in the WoW Trading Card Game -- the Blood of Gladiators is the game's eighth expansion set (can you believe this game has been around for three years already?), and features new PvP action, including a new Duel Faction Ally card and a new Arena setting in the Gurubashi Arena. There are three new characters in the game as well, coming straight from the pages of the World of Warcraft comic, with art by none other than Jim Lee. And of course it's got the loot cards we talked about earlier, including the Foam Swords rack and the Sandbox Tiger. Can't wait to see those in the game.Booster packs from the set run about $4 in most places, though demand for the game can actually drive the prices up at retail if store owners feel they're running out too fast. Seems like, at this point, the WoW TCG has its fans, and the online game does as well, and sometimes the two are not the same people. Anyone been waiting for this release, or, eight times in, is yet another expansion set actually business as usual in the collectible card game?

  • Try out the Blood Of Gladiators TCG loot on the PTR

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    A little under a week ago we posted the details of the new TCG exclusive loot items, and more recently we've shown off some video. If you haven't heard about it yet, you can actually do yourself one better if you have access to the PTR: You can head down to Booty Bay and test out these items for free!If you've never traded in a TCG code before, to do it you need to go down to the docks of Booty Bay and look for Landro Longshot. He's flanked by guards, so you can't really miss him. Ask him what he has to offer, select the Blood Of Gladiators set, and put in the following codes for the item you want: For the Sandbox Tiger, input the code 1111. For the Epic Purple Shirt, input the code 2222. For the Foam Sword Rack, input the code 3333. Easy, isn't it? As of this posting the PTR is down for maintenance, so you'll need to wait until later today to try these out. Worth the wait, though? Certainly.

  • Video of the Blood of Gladiators TCG Loot

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our good friend Drayner over at has gotten his hands on video of the brand new TCG items uncovered the other day for Upper Deck's upcoming Blood of Gladiators expansion. Of the three, the Foam Sword rack seems the coolest -- it looks like a pick up and go heirloom weapon that you'll be able to challenge others with. And while the Epic Purple Shirt is definitely purple (and Epic), the "Sandbox Tiger" is probably the sillest. But if you've always really wanted to ride a Spectral Tiger, there you go (and it does look like that Orc is having a lot of fun, doesn't it?).We'll be able to get our hands on some of these cards starting next month in stores. Are any of these convincing you to pick up a few card game packs, or are these not quite as exciting as the actual Spectral Tiger mount or the Ethereal Vendor?

  • New TCG Loot cards announced for Blood of Gladiators expansion

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our friends over at WoWTCGLoot have posted what they believe are the next three loot cards coming out in the "Blood of Gladiators" expansion of the card game. A Sandbox Tiger, we're told, will be a cooldown-based location toy like the D.I.S.C.O. ball, and will allow you to ride a spectral tiger in place, like a rocking horse. An Epic Purple Shirt will not only look epic, but should allow you to do a special emote (probably /flex) that will make you "the center of attention." And perhaps more exciting, a Foam Swords Rack will let players around you grab foam swords and swordfight to the finish, complete with a declared winner. Very cool. The first time we'll see these in stores will likely be the upcoming preview of the new expansion, taking place on the weekend of March 7th. Since these likely came from information found in the PTR, they are, of course, subject to change. Upper Deck will likely share a few screenshots and some more information on these soon, and when they do, we'll let you know.