

  • Bioshock 2 to be sans subtitle, 'Sea of Dreams' was title of trailer

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    A brief recap of the comedy of errors surrounding the suspected subtitle for Bioshock 2 -- developer 2K Marin revealed the Sea of Dreams moniker in the sequel's debut trailer, then confirmed that it had dropped the subtitle last month, then de-confirmed that confirmation a week later, then suggested it doesn't know what its own game is called during GDC. However, 2K's Charlie Sinhaseni might have just told IGN the (hopefully) final word on the matter -- according to him, the game will simply be called Bioshock 2: Electric Boogaloo. No, wait -- just Bioshock 2.Sinhaseni explained the confusion -- 2K apparently gives titles to all its trailers, and the teaser for the sequel (which appeared in the PS3 version of Bioshock the First) was titled (you guessed it) Sea of Dreams. The developers considered making it an official subtitle to the game, but have ultimately decided to follow the "title + number" format that's worked so well for Madden throughout the years. We hope this is the last chapter in this confusing saga, though it doesn't really matter. An aquatic, morally ambiguous FPS/RPG by any other name would smell just as sweet.

  • 'BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams' teased in BioShock PS3

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    According to internet murmurings, those who complete the PlayStation 3 version of BioShock are not only awarded the satisfaction of having caught up with their Xbox 360 and PC peers, but a brief teaser trailer for the franchise's next installment. The game, dubbed "Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams," appears to take place sometime after the original -- and somewhere along the Atlantic coast. Check out the video (from N4G user, "TheWho") after the break!We've contacted 2K Games for confirmation and further information. [Image: N4G]