

  • Inspecting the Asgard drone

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    The Senior Systems Designer for Stargate Worlds is Chris Bernert. In an exclusive (to SGW forum members) chat he reveals the inner workings of the Asgard drone. Referred to as "The Little Grey Dude Enabler," it does all the dirty work for the Asgards, who aren't the most agile or physically formidable race you'll run across. As such, the drone is the "backbone" of the Asgard archetype. Want to know more? Well, since it's an exclusive to forum members only we don't want to steal their thunder (or piss them off). So head over to the site, sign up, and get reading!

  • Stargate's Comedy Line Countdown contest closes

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    If you were paying attention way back on February 1, you'll recall that we gibber-jabbered about the Stargate Worlds Comedy Line Countdown contest. In that post we mentioned that you had 30 days to work your mad video and comedy skillz. Well, time's up. Hopefully you were one of the nearly 200 videos made and submitted by fans. If you didn't, too bad. You might want to skedaddle on over to the SGW YouTube Group and see if you could have done better. Although submissions are no longer accepted you can still post your own "hilarious" lines to the group. But they better be funny. You don't want to look like a Jaffa now do you? Expect to see a SGW video podcast featuring the finalists later this month.

  • CME wants to know: How do you want your Stargate?

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment wants to know what you want to see in the upcoming Stargate Worlds Collector's Edition boxed set. Both inside and out. Everyone has to have a collector's edition boxed set, and I'm all for them... as long as their is intrinsic added value. And I'm not jut talking about some flashy collectible cards, a glossy concept art book, or an extra DVD full of behind the scenes whatnot. Those are nifty baubles that Gollum-like folk might be entranced by, but I want something more pertinent. Something that's really worth my money.So if you're like me and want extra bling for your in-game characters, things like rare weapons, a vehicle, special emotes, equipment, buffs and other stuff that really sets your character apart from the pack... the discussion is already underway over in the official Stargate Worlds forums. Let them hear your opinions! Kudos to the CME gang for actually wanting player input on this. Don't squander the opportunity.

  • Ask the SGW Creative Director anything... really

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    The great thing about the myriad of fan sites and official community forums for games these days is that they give gamers unprecedented access to those people actually making the games. Back in the early days, when this industry was still crawling around on it's hands and knees, gamers were lucky to even know the name of the development company let alone have direct communication with the men and women down in the trenches.Chris Klug (Creative Director for Stargate Worlds) is literally giving players the chance to ask him whatever they want. "Ask me anything, really," invites Klug. "Personal, game-related, whatever you want. If I know and can tell you, I will. If I know and I can't tell you yet, I'll tell you that. I'll tell you why we did stuff... this is a 'no b.s.' zone." Gotta love frankness like that!

  • Ask a Stargate Worlds developer

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    As we reported on a few days ago, the gang at Stargate Worlds has started the new year off with a bang. Between the first SGW trailer appearing on the season premier of Stargate Atlantis tonight, Wednesday's proclamation that 2008 is the year of Stargate Worlds, and the announcement of the game's revamped logo... the hype machine is in full swing.Now is the perfect time to ask the game's developers a question. But how? Clickety-click on over to the official Stargate Worlds Forums. If you're not a member sign up (it's free) and add your question to the growing list of conundrums and queries that might just get asked for the next developer podcast (Episode VI).The countdown to this epic sci-fi MMO has started. Be sure you don't miss the Stargate. The next one might not open for some time.