

  • Breakfast Topic: Funny Stuff

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    At some point in your WoW adventures, someone is sure to have sent you some of the funny items that are littered all over the game, such as the "Exotic Cookbook" (entitled "How to serve man"), and the "Broken I W.I.N. Button." Not too long ago, a friend of mine sent me one I hadn't seen before, the "Steamy Romance Novel," which really made me chuckle:As Nahni glided up, the grizzled warrior gave her a hard stare. "I suppose you're here to collect the reward for killing those murlocs?"Her eyes wandered down to the glowing broadsword at his side. "That depends on what the reward is, Marcus." She twirled her hair playfully, pretending not to notice how he shifted uncomfortably in her presence. "I may not want it."Marcus stepped toward her, bristling with a mixture of fear and anger. "The reward is not negotiable!" He paused for a moment while gathering his nerve, and pressed himself against her diminutive form. Their lips met hotly, melting her frost armor spell in a torrent of sweltering vapor."So, is there another step to this quest?" she teased, her eyes glittering with excitement.<This goes on for several hundred more pages, without advancing the plot.>Are there any items in this game that make you smile whenever you think of them? If you can't think of items, perhaps you know of a place or NPC? Tell us about anything you think is funny.Update: I just can't resist quoting in full some of the things that commenters have found. It's quite silly, and it really should be part of this post anyways. Click on the link to read them.