

  • JBO: Joystiq Box Office, February 15 - February 19, plus Joyswag!

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    We can't be gaming all the time, despite our best efforts, and from time to time we'll actually take advantage of the movie-playing abilities on our gaming systems. JBO features our top picks for XBL, PSN, Netflix's Watch Instantly and Blu-ray each week. Recommendation of the Week: Stingray Sam ($12 HD digital download, $18 DVD, $49 deluxe) Cory McAbee is one cool character. He's produced art, music, short films and feature films, and he's at his best when he's combining art and movie together. Last year at Sundance, he premiered his newest feature film, Stingray Sam. Set in the future, two interstellar cowboys who just happen to be convicts are given a shot at freedom, if they complete one mission. Along the way they encounter a lot of wacky stuff, and sing some bizarre songs. Songs that will stay with you long after you've seen the movie, like the Lullaby Song. It combines science fiction, music, Westerns and pure wacky in a package of pure delight. We have three copies of the Stingray Sam DVD and soundtrack to give away this week, so just read the rules and comment below, letting us know what your name would be if you were an outer space cowboy. Read on after the break for the rest of our recommendations, and let us know what you're watching!