

  • Super Bowl XL in Japan via IPTV

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    If you missed the big game, you probably also missed the rebroadcast in Japan courtesy of NTV and NTT. The two companies shot a 70Mbps HD stream of the game across the Internet for a tape delayed broadcast at midnight on Monday. The high-definition IPTV program was available to Japanese consumers over NTV's digital terrestrial channel to demonstrate the process. NTT implemented their Global Super Link last year to help propel high-def video around the planet, but it's not yet in widespread usage. These types of demos likely strike fear in the hearts of DIRECTV and DISH Network, since it's much easier and cost-effective to expand your network here on Earth than it is 26,000 miles in space.

  • HDTV Listings for February 5, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: On the off-chance that you're not watching the big game and pre-game festivities, we decided not to take the day off on our listings. Seriously, with a 130 million households watching ABC tonight, it's beyond us why the other networks even bother, hence all of the repeats on NBC and CBS. Still, we owe you the traditional nightly lineup, so we have it below. As for us, it's all Super Bowl, all day, starting at 2:30 p.m. on ABC with the pre-game show in 720p. The official ABC game coverage continues at 6 p.m., which is actually scary since the pre-game coverage might be longer than the game itself.Of secondary importance are the ever popular and very expensive commercials. Make sure you're watching the HD advertising as we're sure to ask your opinions tomorrow on which were the best.

  • Worst HD luck possible before SuperBowl: ABC affiliate tower collapses!

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    This might be the saddest post written here to date. Just two short days before the big game in high-def, the ABC affiliate in Tyler, Texas lost its broadcast tower! KLTV's tower was over twenty-five years old and collapsed earlier this morning; folks are trying to determine the cause, but at this point, it really doesn't matter what the cause was. The real question is to figure out how to get a DTV signal back on the air before Sunday night!Can you imagine just dropping a boatload of cash on a new HDTV for Super Bowl XL only to have your signal get yanked 48 hours before the game? Our sincere hope is that a local cable provider or another affiliate can find a way to help KLTV out. We'd invite the town over for our Super Bowl party, but the HD Beat offices aren't quite big enough for a Texas town. Good luck gang and we send out our hopes that you find a solution quickly!