

  • Metal Gear Solid's 'Essential Collection' confirmed for PS2

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    The official announcement of Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection, a compilation of Hideo Kojima's cinematic stealth triology trilogy for PlayStation 2, marks the second time a recent Konami rumor has become reality. Given the consistently fortuitous circumstances, we thought you should know that it's been rumored that Konami has mailed us a check for a million billion dollars. While we await the confirmation cha-ching, we'll remind you that in exchange for $29.99, The Essential Collection offers the PlayStation classic, Metal Gear Solid, the "director's cut" of infamous rug puller, Metal Gear Solid 2, and finally, the culinary delight that is Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. It'll keep you out of trouble until Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots arrives later this year. Update: We've confirmed a March 18th release date with Konami. Also noteworthy is that while the collection will include the Substance and Subsistence games, they will be without their respective bonus discs.[After the NSFW break: Metal Gear Awesome]