

  • Where to watch Tesla's 'The Missing Piece' livestream

    Roberto Baldwin
    Roberto Baldwin

    Tesla is known for its amazingly quick electric vehicles, but if the chatter around today's event is true, the Elon Musk-led company will be introducing a home battery solution this evening. The livestream will be viewable on the car company's site beginning at 11 PM ET. So put on your pajamas and snuggle up with your computer to see if you'll be adding a battery to your home in the not-so-distant future. Update: The video stream is finally live (showing screens that say "Powerwall: Tesla Home Battery"), and we're told Elon Musk should be hitting the stage...any minute now, so expect more info soon. Update 2: There you go, he's just announced the new Tesla Powerwall battery, and you can get all the details right here.