

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Third time's the charm edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    For the past few weeks, Blizzard's toyed with us just a bit. Monday night bought a posted announcement of extended downtime, only for the morning to feature naught but rolling restarts. As of this writing, we're once again starting with a 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. PST downtime announcement. Will it stick this time? I suppose by the time you read this, we'll know. Still, it's a win-win situation. If I'm right, I'm right. If Blizzard changes back to rolling restarts, we get to play the game again sooner. In the meantime, there's still stuff to read while the game's down. The biggest news we've gotten out of Blizzard thus far has been one of negatives: BlizzCon is gone, at least for this year. This means we'll have to party even harder in 2013, but what do we do in the meantime? For now, I suggest we catch up on reading. We've kept busy even with the dearth of news, offering guides and opinions you'll want to read. While you wait for the servers to come back up, why not read on? Our usual roundup of the best stuff from the past seven days awaits.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Are we there yet?

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. The steady trickle of blue posts hinting at the possibility of maybe kind of sort of somewhat having some new news about Mists of Pandaria keep coming, but they also speak of a long time before we get something like an alpha test or any meaty updates. And so we are in something of a drought, and it looks like we'll be journeying toward Pandaria for some time yet. Of course, that's not say we've had no news at all. The Dragon Soul nerf news came down the pipe this week, for example, and as you might expect caused a whole lot of uproar. In addition, the Lunar Festival has started up for the year, and we have our usual achievement guide ready to guide you. We even have an interview with a guy who made 1 million gold and gave it all away. Realm maintenance this morning is a nice, extended 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. PST, so you'll have plenty of time to get caught up on everything. Read on for our usual roundup.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Raids with friends edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. The big news of this week is probably patch 4.3.2, which is on the PTR. For the most part, it's bringing us minor balance changes and bug fixes, but there are a few big things in there, including a 64-bit client and the advent of raiding with your cross-realm friends. You still can't raid Dragon Soul with your friends from that PvP server you refuse to roll on, but you can at least do Raid Finder runs, as well as any classic raid your heart desires. Now you can sucker even more people into those legendary farming runs! With a new patch on test the servers and the last of the post-holiday doldrums more or less shaken off, you better believe there's plenty of good news and interesting stuff to read from the past week. Downtime this week is a series of rolling restarts at 10 a.m. PST, which of course gives you time for a nice mid-morning or early afternoon break to catch up on the news. Read on for the usual run-down.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Good night, sweet corgi edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. This week has had its share of silence, for sure. I'm not sure if the folks at Blizzard's just enjoying the last bit of the holidays or secretly playing that other game, but either way, they didn't have much to say this week. That's not say there wasn't activity and stuff to discuss, not at all. The Darkmoon Faire's back in town, for one, and we've all been looking back at some of the best and worst stuff to come out of 2011. This is also the week we had to say goodbye to that freaking sweet corgi in the picture above. We can only pray Blizzard gives him back to us a pet some time in the future. If they do not, it shall surely go down in the annals of history as one of the greatest MMO tragedies of all time. Downtime this morning is a series of rolling restarts starting at 10 a.m. PST, so you should have time to dig in to all the retrospectives and guides we have ready for you. Read on for the usual roundup.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Vacation's over edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! Hopefully everyone has successfully roused themselves from their holiday food comas and dug themselves out of piles of wrapping paper. For most of us, today probably marks a return to the good old-fashioned work grind, but hey. We still have a few more days of Winter Veil, and think of it this way: Now that the holidays are over, we can go back to focusing on the important stuff, like figuring out when Mists of Pandaria's going into beta. Downtime this morning is limited to a series of rolling restarts at 10 a.m. PST, but hey, you should still have time to get caught up on the news from the past few days. Don't let the holiday season fool you -- there was a lot of it. Read on to catch up.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: On the first day of Winter Veil edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everybody, and a very merry Winter Veil. Hopefully you've been celebrating, either by entering our 12 Days of Winter Veil contests or by going for in-game achievements. Then again, maybe you just don't care for that stuff and want to keep doing what you normally do -- and hey, that's cool too. No matter how you celebrate, you'll have to take a short break this morning as Blizzard applies rolling restarts to the servers starting at 10 a.m. PST. Don't worry though, we got lots of stuff for you to read while you wait. Read on after the break for our usual roundup of the last week's content, including some awesome Warcraft gift ideas for you last-minute shoppers.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Kiss From a Rose edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. I would just like to make it known that I agree with Sacco. In fact, just to show solidarity, above please find the most awesome karaoke rendition of the song yet distributed via mass media. As far as WoW news goes, the post-patch 4.3 world has been, as expected, a bit tumultuous. Paragon was sorry they cheated by exploiting the Raid Finder, but Blizzard handed down some hefty bans anyway. Still, don't let all that drama that dampen your spirits. Patch 4.3 is pretty awesome, and Blizzard's even offering some sweet deals if you want to buy it for a friend or get yourself a second (or even first) account. It's a great Christmas gift idea, right? Maintenance this morning is short, from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. PST, but there's plenty of stuff to catch up on, from hotfixes to raid boss guides. Read on after the break for a full roundup.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Darkmoon's back edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. It's Darkmoon Faire week this week, and since this is also the first week of patch 4.3, that means it's a brand new faire. There are new games, new quests, and new mount and pet rewards to get excited over. If you haven't visited yet, I strongly suggest you do. I don't think you'll regret it, unless you hate fun or something. If you're still trying to get a grip on the wide, wide world of patch 4.3, be sure to check out our patch 4.3 guide. I've also put a pretty awesome fan-modified version of the patch 4.3 trailer above for your amusement. If you're in the midst of pugging those new dungeons, you'll also definitely want to check out our 5-second guides to each of the new bosses. They're perfect for pasting into chat just to make sure the other newbs in your group know what's up. We also have a 5-second guide for the bosses of Dragon Soul's Raid Finder version. Scheduled maintenance today is from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. PST, so you should have time to read up. Check out our usual roundup after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: On the edge of patch 4.3 edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. CM Bashiok has already confirmed that patch 4.3 will going live today, after the traditional 3 a.m.-to-11 a.m. Pacific downtime. The patch may even be downloadable by the time you read this. With that in mind, it may be a good idea to spend this downtime getting ready and reading up on some of the week's news. To start, I'd strongly suggest you check our guides to the three new 5-man dungeons: End Time Well of Eternity Hour of Twilight You'll probably be queuing up soon to get your first valor points, so make sure you're in the know. Beyond that, we'll have more patch 4.3 FAQs and guides for you as the day goes on, and you'll want to check our guide to patch 4.3 as well. Our usual roundup of the past week's news awaits you after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: News delivery smorgasbord edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. The biggest news we're likely to see in a while, is, of course, not coming this week. Patch 4.3 will remain on the test servers for at least one more week, as Nov. 29 marks the projected end of the latest PvP season. That said, there's plenty of new to be had this week, from Black Friday sales to more ways to earn conquest points. We have the usual roundup after the break -- but hey, if reading bulleted lists isn't your thing (or even if it is), why not try it in video form? Right up there, our own Mat McCurley delivers the big headlines of the past week, and he looks and sounds prettier than I do while doing it. You can catch him every Friday right here on the site. With that, we pretty much have a way to deliver the news to whichever sense you like. Want to watch it? We have video. Want to hear it? We have a podcast. Want to read it? That goes without saying. We're still working on tasting it, but give us a few years. Whatever way you take your news, downtime today is a quick set of rolling restarts starting at 10 a.m. Pacific, so you'll have at least a little time to get caught up.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Guy On A Buffalo edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. While we received notice this past week that PvP season 10 could end as early as today, a later tweet from Bashiok confirmed the actual end date will be Nov. 29. Alas, this means we can't expect patch 4.3 until at least that date, meaning this will end up being the longest half a month ever, and I won't be able to spend my Thanksgiving vacation running End Time until my eyes bleed. In an effort to keep myself entertained in the meantime, I've turned to one man: the Guy on a Buffalo. This man is the paragon, nay, the pinnacle of what humanity can be. Let his power and majesty inspire you, with dreams of his ruggedness filling the nights and days until patch 4.3 drops. ... Also, the song is pretty catchy. Buffalo riding aside, there is a lot of cool stuff going on in WoW news, right from the class balance Q&A to WoW Insider's first children's book and first weekly WoW news vidcast. Downtime today is a quick series of rolling restarts starting at 5 a.m. Pacific, so why not take some time and get caught up? Our usual roundup awaits after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Faire enough edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    The big WoW news this past week was probably the new Darkmoon Faire that just debuted on the patch 4.3 PTR. It has tons of stuff to see and do, and you'll want to attend. Need a tour? We've got a video tour. There are new replica gear sets and new ways to buy heirlooms. There are new pets and mounts ready to bolster your collection. And that's just the beginning. There are new dailies, new ways to level your professions, and more. The Darkmoon Faire's so amazing, the other four weeks of the month are going to be sort of sad. There was also some interesting news from GuildOx. They sent us a list of the most popular WoW character names by both race and class. As a lapsed RPer, you will excuse me if I trudge off to this corner and cry. I swear, my panda shaman will not have a "bear" or a "shock" anywhere in its name, with God as my witness. ... Then again, Bearshock is pretty catchy ... Scheduled maintenance today is from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. PST, so you'll have plenty of time to catch up on all the news from the past week. There's a lot of it, from supporting the squish to Guardian Cub price wars, and we have it all for you after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: End of Hallow's End edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. I hope no one overindulged too much in candy or alcoholic beverages last night -- or if you did, I hope you're not too bad off. Myself, I'm finding that while I avoided getting the con crud, I seem to have picked up the Halloween party pestilence instead. Downtime this morning consists of a series of rolling restarts starting at 10 a.m. PDT. So whether you're fighting off a fall cold, a hangover, or a tummy ache -- or if you're feeling fine, you lucky bum -- you should have some time to read up on the week's news with us. There's a good mix of patch 4.3 and BlizzCon 2011 stuff to review, so you'll probably want to read on.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Glory to the Alliance edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. BlizzCon is over, and we're all recovering here, more or less. However, the news cycle marches on, and we've already received our post-BlizzCon bombshell: In a future content patch, Theramore will be destroyed by the Horde. I'm not going to lie. As a die-hard Alliance player, I'm more than a little crestfallen. Jaina Proudmoore means a lot to me, and so does the city she built. But I have found one surefire way to cure these doldrums. To all my Alliance brothers and sisters, I invite you: Watch that video up there, and remember. This is what we Alliance can do. We didn't need the Horde, and we didn't need the Argent Crusade or the Cenarion Circle or any other neutral organizations. Glory to the Alliance. While you bask in the power of the Alliance, I should also tell you that we have no reported downtime yet for this morning as of this writing. If it comes, though, have no fear. After the break, you'll find a roundup of all the BlizzCon news you may have missed over this crazy weekend, as well as everything else worth knowing about from the past seven days. Read on.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: The get stoked edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. BlizzCon is mere days away. Are you pumped? I know I am. Be sure to keep it here all week -- we'll have everything for you, from the swag bag to the closing ceremonies -- and of course, the greatest party of the entire year, the WoW Insider Reader Meetup. BlizzCon's not quite here yet though, and we still have downtime -- just a quick set of rolling restarts at 5 a.m. Pacific this time around. While you wait it out, why not check up on the news from the last few days? Our usual roundup starts after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Kitten-based economy edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. Once again, Blizzard's let the big news wait until Monday. Yesterday, we learned that the Blizzard store will feature a bind on equip Guardian Cub, allowing you to place it on the auction house. Essentially, you'll be able to spend 10 dollars to buy an unspecified amount of gold. As you can imagine, people have opinions on this. Me, I'm just thinking Cats4Gold was a little ahead of its time. The time of the kitten based economy is upon us. How many cats do you think it'll take to buy a Vial of the Sands? In addition to the cat stuff, we also have more news from patch 4.3 and elsewhere to cover. Downtime this morning is from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. PDT, so you should have time to get caught up. Join us after the break for a roundup of all the best stuff from the past week.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: PTR news explosion edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. With the patch 4.3 PTR in full swing, this week was just jam-packed with all sorts of news. From first looks at transmogrification to video from the new End Time dungeon, we have a lot for you to digest this morning. Luckily, downtime this morning is from 5 to 11 a.m. PDT, so you should have time to take a breather and get caught up. Check after the break for our usual roundup.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Let's kill Sylvanas edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. While we're all waiting with bated breath for the PTR to drop, there's at least a trickle of patch 4.3 info coming our way. We learned that rogues get to look like Batman, and that the tier 13 set bonuses are sort of weird. It was a pretty slow Monday, however, and as of this writing, we've heard nothing new about when the PTR will open.Hope springs eternal. I'm just hoping the new dungeons are up ASAP, because I can't wait to take out that lady up there, even if it's just as an echo from the future. Downtime this morning is just a quick series of rolling restarts at 5 a.m. PDT, but whether you're waiting out that quick server restart or waiting for news of the PTR, keep it here with us. We'll have all the news as soon as it breaks. In the meantime, you can catch our usual roundup of the past seven days' news, after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Timelords Edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    It started with a leaked article at The Escapist. Then Zarhym started dropping hints. Then our parent site Joystiq posted a preview. Finally, in the wee hours of Monday morning, the floodgates opened and the patch 4.3 info started flowing. Here are the highlights: Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street dropped some info on the Raid Finder and the new rogue legendary, among other things. He also gave up the scoop on epic gems and the secrets of the Deathwing encounter. Blizzard then posted previews of the new 5-man dungeons. First, we'll travel to the End Time, then to the far past of the War of the Ancients, and finally to Wyrmrest Accord in the present day to strike a blow against Deathwing. I don't know about you, but at this point, I figure you ought to just give me a TARDIS and a sonic screwdriver, because Rhonin doesn't have a thing on me after all this time traveling. Then again, maybe Thrall's the real Timelord and we're just his companions. If so, I get to be Rory Williams. If you're eager to dig into patch 4.3 news, definitely read the stuff I linked above. There's lots of juicy tidbits. If you're holding off on patch 4.3 stuff, never fear. There's a lot of cool non-patch news to peruse as well. Downtime this morning is from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. PDT, so you'll have plenty of time to get caught up. Be sure to stay tuned as well. When the patch 4.3 PTR finally drops, we'll be there.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Scruffy nerfherders edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! I've been playing the original KOTOR lately, after having it sit in my Steam games library for way too long, and it's strangely awesome. I haven't played an old RPG that's held up this well in a long time. Of course, it's also made me really want to try SWTOR, so there's the downside. Anyway, I have Star Wars on my mind, so when those upcoming Firelands nerfs came up, it got me thinking. Could we call Blizzard developers nerfherders now? And if so, does that mean they are all awesome, roguish smugglers who totally shot first? Because I think I am OK with this. Downtime today is just a quick set of rolling restarts, starting at 5 a.m. PDT. While you wait for those to finish up, there's plenty of juicy news to catch up beyond the break, from new patch 4.3 sneak peaks to patch 4.2 hotfix hijinks. Read on to check it all out.