

  • VC Friday: Beatdowns in space

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Four new games up this week on the VC, and despite the fact that three of them are from Sega's Mega Drive, Nintendo still manages a fair amount of diversity in this week's selection. By diversity, we mean that they don't all involve outer space or badassery ... well, okay, you got us. These games actually are about space and/or fighting, because what the Virtual Console really needed was more beatdowns. In space. Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle - Mega Drive - 800 Wii points Shockman - TurboGrafx - 600 Wii points Virtua Fighter 2 - 800 Wii points Wonder Boy in Monster World - 800 Wii points

  • More Sega Genesis Collection videos released

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    It seems like the past few weeks have been filled with Sega Genesis Collection videos. Well, I'm happy to tell you three more have just been released. This time, it's Virtua Fighter 2, Sword of Vermillion and Bonanza Brothers. In all honesty, I don't really remember the last two games, though. But getting to play me some Virtua Fighter on the go has me salivating. See Also:Phantasy Star 2 and Golden AxeKid Chameleon Ecco the Dolphin and Columns

  • You got Sega Saturn in my 360!

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Twistedsypmphony, head moderator guy over at Xbox-Scene, tipped us off to his Frankensteinian project, the Sat-2-360 Controller Adapter. The adapter allows players to use a Sega Saturn control on the 360. Considered by many to have the best d-pad and button layout ever, the Saturn controller is perfect for Street Fighter II or the upcoming Mortal Kombat. The adapter is still a prototype -- and ugly as sin -- but the functionality is promising. The unit is (technically) wireless, though I'd pay for the same thing with a USB adapter.If you'd like to learn more about it -- or make one yourself -- check out the forums at Xbox-Scene. For some X-tra credit, who wants to build me one? Anybody?Now, if SEGA would get cracking on the Live Arcade version of Virtua Fighter 2...

  • Japan outlaws resale of retro game machines

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    On April 1, Japan's Product Safety of Electrical Appliances and Materials Law (PSE) will take affect, prohibiting the resale of more than 259 electrical devices made before April 2001. The new law was designed to prevent electrical fires, but has been called into question by Japanese retro gamers. "Who do they think they are protecting?" questioned a shopper at the Super Potato secondhand game store. Despite the fact that sellers are permitted to submit products for recertification and that some devices, including most Nintendo and Sony consoles of yesteryear, have escaped the reach of the law, PSE's bureaucratic web of exceptions and conditions has outraged gamers. Unfortunately, Japanese officials have said there are no plans to postpone PSE.[Via GameInsider]