

  • Sneak peek at World of Warcraft comic No. 24

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    BlizzPlanet reports that Wildstorm has released a preview of the latest World of Warcraft comic which will set the stage for the finale of the current story arc. The summary of the issue is kind of spoiler-ish for those who haven't read everything yet, so we've posted the full review after the break. And if you don't want to know such things, don't read! Interesting stuff though...

  • Walter and Louise Simonson interviewed at NYCC

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Blizzplanet has a video they've been saving from the New York Comic Con a little while back. This time, they chat with Walter and Louise Simonson, part of the team behind the World of Warcraft comic, which at the time, had just re-introduced Garona Halforcen, the half-orc assassin who is likely about to make a long-awaited appearance in the MMO world of Azeroth. The couple say that while they can't tell us much, Garona fans have some cool stuff to look forward to, as we're going to learn more about both her "past" and "future." There are some other little lore tidbits in the interview as well, including what's up with Varian Wrynn and his counterpart, Lo'gosh. And there's good news for fans of the Horde -- while the comic book has so far had an Alliance lead character, Blizzard is setting up new things for the Horde as well.Clearly here are two people really ensconced in the World of Warcraft -- they both seem to have a really great and passionate grasp on the story behind WoW, and a real care for how the future of the story unfolds. We can't wait to see it.

  • Chris Metzen to attend NY Comic Con

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our friend Medivaldragon over at Blizzplanet brings word that the mind and man behind Warcraft himself, Chris Metzen, will be live at the New York Comic Con in just under a month. The con takes place in New York over February 6-8, 2009, and Mr. Metzen, the creative director and central creative force behind all of Blizzard's modern universes, will be signing books at both the DC Comics and Pocket Star Books booths (apparently for the promotion of WoW's comic books and novels). As Turpster is often inclined to say (along with many other Blizzard fans), "Chris Metzen is a god," so here's your chance to meet the deity himself.There'll be some other expanded universe notables there as well, including Jim Lee (who'll no doubt be promoting DC Universe Online as well) and Walter Simonson will be there, and there will likely be some other familiar faces, either signing books or just stopping by. Those of you in New York who are free, consider yourselves lucky and head on over there. And bring a camera -- if you can capture the elusive Metzen on film (random adventurers are always freeing him), send us the pics.

  • Walt Simonson comics to be published in book form

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    Walt Simonson's World of Warcraft comics will be published as a graphic novel by Titan Books who has obtained the rights from DC comics. The rights include publication in the UK and Ireland and is set for release on September 26. The book will be a collectible priced at £16.99 (about $33.82 USD). This volume of the book will include the first seven comics, which was drawn by Ludo Lullabi. The story follows a human who washes up on the shores of Kalimdor with no memory and is subsequently enslaved by Orc shaman Rehgar Earthfury. The book form of the comic will become available for purchase by North America's readers on July 30 for $19.99 USD. World of Warcraft Issue #9 of the comic will go on sale for $2.99 USD on July 16. The comics are written by Walter Simonson; Art by Jon Buran and Jerome K. Moore; Covers by Samwise Didier and Ludo Lullabi.

  • Preview of the WoW comic #2

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Those wascally wabbits at MTV Multiplayer have somehow gotten their paws (see what I did there?) on a five-page preview of the second World of Warcraft comic, still written by Walter Simonson, and drawn by Ludo Lullabi and Sandra Hope (the cover, pictured here, is done by Blizzard's own Samwise Didier, with an alternate cover by Jim Lee).I have to admit that I never got a chance to read the first WoW comic, but this does look a lot like the preview we saw a little while ago-- our amnesiac hero (whose name is now "Croc-bait"?) is fighting for his life in the Crimson Ring's arenas, with Orc Shaman (cheer! for the Horde!) Reghar Earthfury by his side. And by the way, giving those blades to a Human is not cool, Reggie baby. There is also a fun little cameo on the last page, but I'll leave it up to you all to speculate who that might be-- I have my own thoughts, but just to stay spoiler-free, I'll keep them to myself.Still it is cool to see this thing come together, steeped in Warcraft lore as it is. The Blood Elf/Night Elf friction is a nice touch, too-- I'll definitely be shipping those two as the comic rolls on.

  • Read World of Warcraft comic #0 online

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    MTV's Multiplayer blog was given a first look at the World of Warcraft comic book back in October. Set to be published by the Wildstorm imprint of DC comics and written by "Thor" and "Orion" veteran Walter Simonson, the comic will focus on the exploits of an amnesiac human washed up on the shores of the continent of Kalimdor.Today, with the comic due in stores, the blog now has access to the web-only version of World of Warcraft Issue #0. Says Simonson: "If you're a longtime player, I think the comic is a revelation about some of the mysteries. There are mysteries from the past that have never been totally addressed within the game, or at least we're able to address them in the comic in a way that the game hasn't been able to. ... If you know 'Warcraft,' I'm hoping it will be really cool to find this stuff out. At the same time, as complex as the world is, if you haven't really played the game, you'll learn as much as you need to know to enjoy the story on its own level."

  • Blizzplanet corners Walter Simonson on the comic

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Blizzplanet has posted an interview with Walter Simonson, and is it me, or is it time to stop poking around for information on the new comic? Just let the nice people write and draw the thing already!Simonson doesn't actually confirm the non-secret secret that Varian Wrynn is the amnesiac starring in the comic, but that doesn't keep Blizzplanet from prodding and poking everything they possibly can out of him. He says the comic will be set in the present, but when they nerd it up with some more lore, he admits it'll actually take place before the Burning Crusade. Simonson tries to drop a hint that the hero will end up in Orgrimmar, but then he's eventually exasperated enough to reveal that Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff and the Pools of Vision, Ashenvale, Darnassus, and the Eastern Kingdom will all make appearances inside the comic. And while Blizzplant has heard rumors that Dire Maul will be featured in the comic, they eventually get Simonson to tell them that "we're going to witness an event involving ogres (and others) that occurs regularly in a hitherto underutilized part of Dire Maul." And that sounds, of course, like a Tribute Run.I can see how, if you're a big fan of the comic already, learning stuff like this might be fun and interesting. But at some point, you've just got to leave Simonson alone and read the comic for yourself. Enough interviews, enough hinting, enough speculation. Just let him write it so we can read it already!