

  • Microsoft's Andy Lees on Windows' future: one ecosystem to rule them all

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Microsoft has seen the future of personal computing, and it's a world with a single Windows ecosystem. Windows Phone head honcho Andy Lees -- who said that we won't be seeing WP7 on tablets during Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference yesterday -- still sees slates, phones, consoles, and PCs playing together in perfect harmony. His plan is to provide users with a consistent experience across all Microsoft-powered devices, though he didn't flesh out exactly how this singular ecosystem will work. Given recent evidence indicating Xbox integration in Windows 8 and the UI similarities between the forthcoming desktop OS and WP7, it seems that Microsoft is well on its way to a consolidated future. But, only time will tell if Mr. Lees' can deliver us from fragmentation with a unified Windows.

  • Andy Lees says no to Mango on Windows tablets

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    Microsoft's Andy Lees quashed dreams of Windows tablets running a Mango-style OS during a talk at the company's Worldwide Partners Conference today, saying the mobile operating system would conflict with the outfit's ideas of what makes a slate. According to Electronista, Lees said the computing giant sees tablets as PCs, making the mobile OS incompatible with its vision. He went on to say that Windows 8's networking and printing functions make it more suited to the needs of tablet users. So, if you're looking for the sweet style of Mango, it looks like you'll have get your hands on one of these bad boys.